...The same method used by the sexiest, the most successful and the most satisfied lovers in the world
It doesn't take time.
And... It doesn't take money.
If you give me 3 minutes, I'll show you how to create bullet-proof
confidence with women - no fear of rejection, create powerful
masculine attraction, and create unstoppable iron-clad confidence with
every aspect of your life.
Let me ask you a few quick questions...
If you've ever experienced ANY of these,
let me tell you something: These are completely natural feelings
and experiences for any man.
As a matter of fact, these situations are ones that I went through over and OVER again
with women. Later on, I discovered hundreds and hundreds of guys go through
these experiences almost every day.
That really blew my mind. I thought with all those relationship
books out there that everyone but me was going through this.
I experienced situations like this early on, and it wasn't until I hit a brick
wall in my dating that I decided to do something about my shaky confidence and
poor luck with women.
"You'll probably shudder when you hear this story I'm about to share with you, but it's true..."
I was on a double-date with a friend of mine, and we had just gotten back from dinner where I felt I had been an exciting and interesting guy. (I'll tell you why I was dead wrong about that in a second.)
All four of us went back to my apartment for a few drinks,
and when it came time for us to end the night, I mentioned getting a good-night
hug from my date.
When I moved closer to just give her a hug, my date cringed and pulled
away from me like I had the plague.
Talk about rejection, man. That HURT.
And that's not the worst of it...
I really wish I could say I was making this up,
but it's the absolute truth.
That hit me like a punch in the gut, and I knew right at that moment that I had to figure out how women worked - for REAL.
(By the way, my self-esteem was so low, I actually called that same girl back twice after that night. Talk about desperate and needy, huh?)
Nearly every guy has experienced a loss of confidence when
he is trying to approach or talk to a woman. And even when the conversation
starts off on the right note, there's always a big chance of things going
bad or losing the attraction and energy with her.
When you run into this problem over and over, you want to just quit talking
with women, and it becomes much more pleasurable to stay home and play Halo
on your X-box than it does to go out and endure failure after failure in the
bars, clubs, and parties where you meet women.
But there's that other part of you that knows that if things don't change,
the only way a woman is going to enter your life is if you let your friends
fix you up on a blind date, or you get lucky and
meet someone at a party.
Is this the only way to be confident with women?
How is it that other guys seem to have no problems meeting and finding
women, and you're not getting more than a date every couple weeks
- if you're lucky...
But is it really about "luck", or is there a practical method for you to improve
and win your Inner Game of confidence with women and
You don't have to go into years of work on your self-esteem,
or go see a therapist, or any other deep "inner child" work to improve
your self-confidence and your success rate with women.
In fact, what I found out purely by mistake was that the more you are actively
working on your own life - pursuing your passions - the
more women will be interested in what you have to offer.
Here's a little technique you can use in your next conversation
with a woman, and it's guaranteed to get her more interested in you than
any of the small talk you've been using so far. I'll explain why it works
in a minute, but be sure to use this:
Think for a minute about your most passionate hobby, talent, or part of your
life. (It can be anything - except women.)
Think about how it makes you feel to be actively engaged in doing that activity.
How confident do you feel? How ALIVE do
you feel?
When you imagine the experience of doing that activity, do you feel more energized
and excited?
Now the next time you're out talking to a woman, make it a point to bring
up this passion of yours in conversation. Tell her what it is, and how
it makes you feel when you're doing it.
Here's an example: I love to play the guitar. I have a few playlists on my computer with songs I like to play along with, and I crank up the amp and just rock out to some of my favorite tracks. There's nothing like that feeling of losing yourself in the music, feeling the strings vibrate under my fingers, and just being carried away by the song.
When you talk with women, use those sensory words (like I did with "vibrate," "crank," "losing yourself," etc.) as much as you can when you describe your own passions.
You'll even find your own energy level rising naturally and
your excitement becoming contagious.
Every time I've used this with women, they are always much more interested
and attracted to me after I talk about the guitar.
For one, it's about music and being creative. For another, I'm passionate about
it and I get excited talking about it. And when I use all that sensory imagery, it
hypnotizes her into experiencing it with me.
Remember one thing: Passions are the best topic of
conversation because they energize you and demonstrate your level of ambition.
(I'll tell you more about how to discover these passions in a minute...)
You don't want to be the "Nice Guy" or the "Jerk" when
it comes to attracting women.
You want to be an ALPHA MAN.
The women that tell you they "just want to be friends," or
that they're "not ready for a relationship" seem to have
no problem sleeping with the bad-boy who is about as reliable as a weather
report for next week. Funny, huh?
Or not-so-funny, I should say.
The reason that women say they want to "be friends" with you, or you're a "nice
guy" is that they're really trying to say something else...
What a woman really means is this: "You aren't exciting me
enough to be someone I can think about sexually. But I can't say that because
if I mention sex, that might give you the impression I'm slutty, and I can't
do that."
On the surface, that may seem a bit complicated, but it's not.
Keep in mind that women are brought up to maintain their
social image at all cost. Women actually enjoy sex at least as much if not MORE
than men do, but they can't say this or they would seem "slutty."
So when a woman uses this "I want to be friends" excuse, she's really just
trying to tell you in the safest way possible that you're not pushing her "attraction
buttons" with the way you're talking and behaving with her.
By being "nice," you're also being "safe."
We all know these guys who are just friends of the women, but - let's be blunt
- NEVER get laid. These are the guys, who buy women gifts
and flowers, compliment them too often and have a hard time saying "No" to
women. (This was also me, by the way, before I figured
out what the essential attraction qualities really are...)
"The Nice Guy" is the personality you adopt when you hope that you can prove how good you are for a woman.
You start to give her things, compliment her, and you
adopt a posture of extreme weakness in the process. When you work this hard
for approval, you will almost always turn a woman off.
On the other hand, you don't have to be a Jerk, either. In
fact, being a Nice Guy OR the Jerk is being fake. You need
to be the man you already are to really impress her. But you need to bring
out the best parts of you to attract women.
You simply need turn your mind around to learn how to present yourself as a dominant
and powerful MAN. And that is when women will start to try to be
the "Nice Woman" for you!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Over 90% of guys have problems when it comes to their inner game and self-confidence (and I'm being conservative). What I'm offering you here is the unique chance - to make YOU in the top 10% of self-confident guys that WOMEN WANT!
Most guys never get to be an Alpha Male (also
known as an Alpha Man). This is the kind of guy you see having the
most fun, hanging out with the hottest women.
The Alpha Male is the leader of the pack. He gets women and he gets
what he wants because he's a dominant and respected man, with strong
masculine self-confidence.
The Alpha Man is NOT the aggressive guy who's pushing everyone
around and being an arrogant jerk. You see, a "jerk" is really a guy who has
taken all the "aloof" behaviors WAY too far. Alpha Men understand the balance
and don't have to use brawn or aggro behavior; now we have to use our brains.
An Alpha Man is also not a "jerk" or a pushy, testosterone-driven meat-head.
You're CONFIDENT and secure of your value, and
because of this you can show more of your true self to women without fear.
You can be more GENUINE.
You don't need to try to buy a woman's affections, or
compliment your way into her heart (which doesn't work, as I'm sure you now
The Alpha Man is also socially intelligent - knowing how to
handle most situations with finesse and confident masculine leadership.
Haven't you always wondered what it is that certain men
GREAT men had that make them so successful in life, how they manage to rise
to the top? How they achieve such great things, and always attract
women - beautiful women to come along for the ride?
You've probably even heard and understood that the men who get the
most out of life get the highest quality women, get the most money,
get the most success, get better jobs, get more sex
and satisfaction overall than those men who are more like, say, the clerk
at the convenience store, or the waiter at Denny's.
These men have a certain dominance about them.
Yes, they are assertive - even aggressive at times, but it's much
more than that.
These men have some special inner quality that
allows them to be more confident, persistent, and generally get whatever
they go after. They meet single women (the highest quality), attract women,
and are able to keep them interested and sexually attracted on
a deep and primal level.
You can learn how to be one of these
Think about it... each of us desires what the other gender
Women want men who are MEN.
(And men want women who don't act like men.) But today's society
has us acting like anything but what we should be to be authentically attractive
to the opposite sex.
REMEMBER THIS: There is nothing more unattractive to a woman
than a man who isn't masculine.
The unfortunate thing is that most of us guys were never given a "masculine attraction" class in high school. That's another of the many reasons I want to tell you about how you can develop your inner Alpha Man.
Let's get started by destroying one of the harmful myths out there...
MYTH: You need to be a woman's "friend" before you can be her lover...
Every romantic involvement with a woman must begin with a passionate seduction in order to develop into anything further. You cannot start out as friends and hope to turn it into romance later on. ("Friends first" is a complete fallacy.)
Seduction isn't
bad or wrong! It's absolutely necessary.
Picture this scene: A guy is talking with a beautiful woman in a bar. She's laughing away at his jokes, flipping her hair back, and touching his arm as if she's known him forever, but you know she's only just met him. The worst part is that he's not even good looking! And his suit looks like he just re-used his couch fabric. Eventually, she leaves with him, hand in hand.
What could this guy possibly have or know that allows him to be brave enough to jump in and attract beautiful women successfully?
That's the next secret of attraction with women...
Critical Success Factors - "The Three S's"![]()
(But you do have to take care of your appearance, because that is what she looks at to figure out if you'll be able to take care of her. You should be well-groomed and nicely dressed at a minimum.) |
Women Do Not Choose The Men They Are Attracted To, Any More Than You Choose
The Women That You Want.
A man's attractiveness lies on a subtle layer of
communication, totally unrelated to your appearance. Once
you know the principles of how to communicate with women as an Alpha
Man, you can use this knowledge whenever you want to get a woman
interested in you.
Women WANT to be seduced by men. But only
by a man who initiates and takes control in the right way.
You can't change any of these significantly except for the last one: Character.
You can cultivate this one single attribute and make
up for (and override) your lack of ANY of the other 3. (Some
people will try to teach you that the "social value" indicator is the most
important one to women, but it's NOWHERE near as important
as your character and lifestyle are.)
The good news is that the last one is the one that I also found the easiest
to make significant improvements and changes in a short period of time. In
fact, women actually sense your character from you FIRST,
and they make all their judgments about you based on it.
And if you only have one of the other core attractors WITHOUT this,
you will not have the same level of success.
Another myth many guys believe is that in order to be successful in attracting
a woman, or taking things to a sexual level with her, that you need
to establish a commitment with her.
In other words, to get physical with her, she will expect to be your girlfriend, or you must establish a long-term relationship.
This is not true.
I'm going to tell you what the hidden need is that women actually
have in a moment, but I need to tell you about something you must do in your
own head to "reboot" your brain and thinking to win this game.
Do You Know If You're In Danger Of Becoming a "Nice Guy"?
Take a few seconds to take this little quiz:
When you're interested in a woman, do you find yourself:
A) Giving her flowers...?
B) Buying her gifts or meals ...?
C) Complimenting her so that she'll like you and understand that you're the right one for her ...?
D) Trying to be her friend first, in the hopes that she'll see what a great guy you are and want more...?
Do you find it:
A) Hard to get angry with a woman?
B) Hard to say "No" to women?
C) Difficult to stop yourself from telling women your feelings for them?
D) Hard to escalate things physically with a woman?
When you ask a woman out, do you:
A) Ask her when she's open this week and if she'd like to "hang out" sometime, not having a plan?
B) Leave the decision completely up to her as to where and what you do, because it "doesn't matter to you"?
C) Find yourself going along with whatever she suggests, even if it's not what you'd prefer to do?
Do you ever find yourself:
A) Comparing yourself frequently to other guys who get women and thinking, "I've got more to offer than they do!"
B) Believing your family when they tell you that "someday the right one will just come along, don't worry..."
C) With more girl friends than guy friends?
D) Feeling guilty about how "bad" men are to women?
Do women frequently:
A) Tell you they really like you as a friend, but that's all...?
B) Call you to tell you their problems because you're a shoulder to cry on...?
C) Ask you for favors because they know you like to help them out...?
D) Describe you as "shy"?
If a woman is angry or in a bad mood with you, do you:
A) Try to cheer her up and make her happy, or feel responsible for her mood?
B) Explain to her how to fix what is making her unhappy?
C) Apologize for things that you may not have done just to make her feel better and so the night will go smoother?
Are you the kind of guy who:
A) Hides your mistakes or vulnerabilities from women...?
B) Is afraid of losing a girlfriend once you get one...?
C) Is very sensitive to what people say about you...?
D) Is afraid of having to explain himself if he were caught reading a book on being an Alpha Man...?
When your relationship ends with a woman do you:
A) Find yourself depressed or in a funk for a few weeks after?
B) Begin to question your value...?
C) Fall into self-defeating patterns of thinking, and find it difficult to get back out in the dating world...?
D) Find that she is the one doing the breaking up?
If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, you are in grave danger of being the "Nice Guy."
But the best news for you is that EVERY case of "Nice Guy-itis" is curable. You can start right now to cultivate the traits and behaviors of an Alpha Man...
Because they're already in you!
"The first thing you need to do to regain your Alpha Power is..."
... to 'Flip the Switch.'"
What I mean by this is that you must learn how to shift your
perception from what it is you want to GET from your interactions
with women, and start thinking from HER perspective.
No, I don't mean you have to put on "chick goggles" or anything like that.
What I'm talking about is remembering that every woman is tuned in to W.I.I.F.M. It's
the radio station that we are ALL tuned into: What's In It For
This is the question you must be answering with your attitude and your first
impression with a woman when you approach her.
She isn't looking at you as a man - she's looking at you as a choice of SITUATION. You aren't just a guy approaching her, you are a set of expectations, a job, a set of hobbies, a family, and all the baggage that comes with you.
Now do you understand why women are so hesitant and skeptical of men? Why they test us all the time?
For a woman to be interested, you have to be broadcasting the right programming for her WIIFM.
So when you Flip The Switch, you are simply
thinking about what YOU would want to hear if you were trying
to figure out if a person was being sincere or not.
How would they sound? What would they say?
What makes the information that I want to teach you different is that I learned
and understood that the source of all success with women,
and the secret ingredient to attracting women - was all locked up in just one
core principle: CONFIDENCE.
Once a man found his confidence, everything else came from there... success approaching and dating women, success in handling life's challenges, handling your money and building your wealth and prosperity...
And EVERY guy can use my principles - my SECRETS - of being an Alpha Man ... all with their REAL personalities.
I hunted down all the proven techniques and methods for building self-confidence and self-esteem that I could find. I tried them all out.
What I came up with was a tried and true method of increasing your confidence with women.
![]() You've seen and heard Carlos
Xuma on:
What's In The Secrets Of The Alpha Man Program?
This program is a 6-CD set that I will mail to you in a plain, discreet envelope (for your privacy.) This also includes my self-study workbooks: The Secrets of the Alpha Man, and Supreme Self-Confidence.
The CD Audio portion of the "Secrets of the Alpha Man" program contains over 7 hours (6 CDs) of high-quality coaching, tips, exercises, advice, tricks, examples, and concepts... and all of them explained verbally for maximum understanding and retention.
You'll have all the skills and confidence you need to meet
single women in any environment.
Here's What You'll Learn
In The Ebook And On The CDs:
You'll Also Get These 6 Audio CDs With Hours Of Coaching...
1 - Opening, 2 Why you need to be an Alpha Man, 3 The Nice Guy syndrome, 4 The Nice Guy pt II, 5 How you became a Nice Guy, 6 How you became a Nice Guy pt II, 7 Definition, 8 Removing Anger, 9 Preparation, 10 Positive Qualities Exercise, 11 The Power of Persistence/Buying Temperature |
1 Attitude, 2 Feeling Good, 3 Don't Help Women, 4 How to Meet Women, 5 Alpha Body Language, 6 Cold Reading Technique, 7 Cold Reading pt II, 8 Keeping Your Mental Distance, 9 Keeping Emotional Boundaries Set |
1 Introduction to Interview, 2 Interview pt I, 3 Interview pt II, 4 Interview pt III, 5 - Proximity Science, 6 Self-Confidence Improvement, 7 Look Her Over |
1 Handling Rejection, 2 Introducing Yourself, 3 Opening Sets, 4 Sexual Energy, 5 Emotional Leverage, 6 The Politics of Haggling, 7 Patience, 8 Strength and Impatience |
1 Removing Your Fear, 2 Power and Subordination, 3 Sexual Attitudes, 4 Conversational Power, 5 Discomfort, 6 Discomfort pt II, 7 - Friends |
1 One That Got Away Syndrome, 2 - Lacunas, 3 Giver/Taker, 4 Diagnosing Your Game, 5 Diagnosing Your Game pt II, 6 Diagnosing Your Game pt III, 7 Critical Success Factors, 8 - Closing |
How Do You Know if This is the Right Program for You and Your Situation?
If you read down this list and find more than a couple of them apply to you, then you will really benefit from The Secrets of the Alpha Man:
- You're a perfectionist, and you can't seem to shake the behaviors that mess things up with women...
- You're tired of being the "low man" on the totem pole...
- You feel you might be able to start a conversation with a woman, but don't know where you'd go after that...
- You really want to meet a woman to fill a space in your life, but you realize when you have one that she doesn't fulfill your real needs ... and neither does the next one... or the next one...
- You're held back by your own fear of failure, fear of rejection, intimidation, afraid of appearing foolish, afraid of failing in front of others, fear of messing it up AGAIN...
- You've got a ton of material to use, if you only knew HOW to use it, or you just can't get up the nerve to really apply your knowledge when you meet single women...
- You have a lot of trouble, both in meeting women, as well as keeping a quality conversation going - one that satisfies you and her...
- You get occasional success with women, but nothing that you can repeat consistently...
- You don't know where else - or who else - to ask about what you need to do to get it right ...
- You think there's a few missing pieces of your inner game that would really make you much more confident with women ...- You're overwhelmed with your own thinking and anxiety in social situations where you meet women...
Click Play to find out how Carlos can maximize your results...
"I can't recommend Carlos' products highly enough... Carlos' stuff really took me to the next level..."
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When you get the book, take a look over it right away. Just scan through it a couple times and read the sections that jump out at you immediately - then go back and read it cover to cover.
Next, read the bonus ebook on Supreme Confidence and then try some of the techniques. You'll notice a huge difference right away, and it will motivate you to move on to some of the other ideas.
Whatever happens, you'll use these e-books as a reference library constantly as you're learning how to be more successful with women.
Here's What You're Going to Get...
Here's a list of what you're going to get:
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- BONUS EBOOK - Supreme Self-Confidence from where you'll additionally learn things like: definition of Supreme Self-confidence - Critical success factors and poise, The ONE BIG Reason you don't do what you must to meet women and get more dates, the downward spiral of self-confidence, and how to move to the upward spiral, and much more. (List Price $149.97)
- The audio CD program with 7 (SEVEN) hours of coaching, dating tips, dating advice, and strategies to get you confident and successful. These discs cover specific topics on developing your confidence and abilities with women. From finding motivation, to handling rejection to diagnosing and fixing your approach with women, this audio program has it all. (List Price $197.97)
- Access to my exclusive members ONLY Alpha Man Power Forum where you'll be able to exchange techniques, tips, and advice with the other Alpha Men on topics ranging from building your confidence, to how to meet women, to health and fitness. Every so often I will even post answers to questions and conduct surveys and polls. This is one community that you absolutely must be a part of! (List Price $149.97)
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There's been a lot of bad information put out there about how to attract women with your masculine qualities, and even a bunch of stuff about how to be a "pickup artist," but nothing about how to be an authentic man with rock-solid confidence and purpose in life. That's where I come in...The "Time Heals" Myth - And How You Can Avoid This Mistake...
There's one more thing I have to tell you about, and it's really very important.
Over the years that I've been teaching these kinds of strategies and techniques to guys for attracting women and improving their dating skills, I've discovered something very alarming.
First, the good news: Of all the guys that I taught that went to work on these skills and went out and practiced them with women, ALL of them improved. And I don't mean just a little bit.
If they consistently applied the information that I teach, they would get MASSIVE improvements in their abilities to approach women, get phone numbers, start attraction, and get dates with them.
Now the not-so-good news: Of all the guys that contacted me and then either put off or delayed getting this information and building their foundation with women, ALL of them got much much worse over time.
You see there's a common misperception among most guys that if you just leave something alone, it will get better on its own. The fact is that this is rarely the case, and it's also a crippling attitude to have towards your skills with women.
My experience has been that if you delay getting started on your own personal path towards improvement, you will not just stay where you are. You will LOSE GROUND. And the longer you wait, the harder it is to reclaim that lost ground once you get back to work on it.
This is caused by a very simple and nasty scientific fact: INERTIA.
You might remember from school hearing how a body at rest tends to stay at rest?Well for thoughts and skills, this is not only true, it's MORE than true, because if you stay at rest too long, you will probably get even worse.
I know this is going to sound harsh, but it's true: Leaving your education on dating skills and attracting women up to fate is like leaving an infected wound open to fester.
But here's the other side of this that I want you to think about. Take your time as you think about this, because it's important...
Let me ask you this: What if this knowledge helps you get just ONE more date with an attractive woman that you've had your eye on? What if it helps you approach just ONE more woman, and that unlocks your confidence to keep approaching women?Just ONE more opportunity that you would not have had before. What is that worth to you?
Now ask yourself: What if there's a chance that this program can actually show you how to meet and attract one woman after another - and get more and more confidence in your life as you date as many women as you care to have in your life?
What if you really can learn how to approach women and build attraction in the way that you've always wanted - and get your confidence ROCK SOLID - in every area?
How much would that be worth to you? A hundred dollars? A thousand? More? For most men I know, it would be priceless. You can't even estimate the value in money...
Just the POSSIBILITY of getting more success with women and raising their self-confidence would be worth the investment. I want you to know that I invested over six years and spent thousands and thousands of dollars to learn how to be successful with women.
The whole time I was learning I kept wishing there was someone out there would just point me straight to the source, and I would have paid way more than a hundred bucks to cut straight to the information I needed - and save me all that time I was wasting."I know that once you start experiencing more success with women, a higher sense of self-confidence and self-esteem, you'll be glad you made the investment in yourself too."
An old friend of mine once said that the only thing in this world that you MUST invest in is yourself, because that's where all your results come from.
And I'm sure of this: You're always going to encounter women that you want to talk to and meet...You're always going to be put in situations where your confidence will decide whether you succeed or fail...
You're always going to encounter women that you will want to impress and be able to get another opportunity with - as a date, or even more...
Maybe you'll be talking to a woman somewhere, think that she's really attractive and want to get her phone number so you can call her and meet her again. Or you're going to be out with a woman sometime and want to take things further with her...
Will you know exactly what to do and say to succeed with the really attractive women - the 9s or 10s?Or will you need to settle for a relationship that you aren't that into, just because it's better than nothing?
Are you going to let this opportunity pass you by and never find out what might have happened?
On the other hand, if you want to learn the priceless and effective strategies that you can use TODAY to increase your confidence, become the kind of Alpha Male that women sexually desire on a primitive and instinctual level, and get the women that you thought were only for rock stars and millionaire playboys, then this program is what you need.
"I'm not even trying hard... just in the last hour, I've had two women who have become very friendly with me...you are the man! Your information has radically changed the way I think... by the way I'm 48 years old, so this is really cool!" - Sean
Who Needs This Program?
- If you suspect you might be falling into being the "Nice Guy" that women are not interested in dating, then this program will help you shed that image and become the powerful and dominant man that women desire...
- If you've ever found yourself feeling insecure about your ability with women, or you find it difficult to approach and talk to women, this program was designed to help you become deeply secure with who you are, where you're going, and give you that belief in yourself that helps you approach ANY woman... and never feel inadequate!
- If you've ever found yourself in a situation where you weren't sure how to handle women in this "post-feminism" world where no one even knows who pays for the date, this program will clear it up our modern gender roles for you, and spell out EXACTLY what women want from men today...
- If you're pissed about the fact that women say one thing while they do another, or they say they want a guy just like you but then go and date the complete opposite, this program will explain once and for all why they do this - and how you can win their game...
- If you're tired of feeling like the "low guy on the totem pole" - at work, at home, with your friends, or anywhere - and you want to be the LEADER instead of the follower all the time, to be the guy that everyone looks up to instead of down on, then this program will show you how the "pecking order" out there REALLY works...
- If you're tired of feeling that knotted feeling in your gut when you know you need to go talk to that woman that you're interested in, or you find yourself scared to ask for her number, or for the date, then this program will show you how to tackle these situations confidently and effectively so that women almost NEVER turn you down...
- If you want to know how to compensate for where you feel you're at a disadvantage compared to other guys - in height, or wealth, or good looks, your intelligence, your physique, or anywhere - then this program will show you how to generate high-voltage attraction with women that they cannot control...
- If you want to learn the specific actions that you can do RIGHT NOW to change how your friends, your family, and women think about your social status and value, then this program will detail the steps for you...
- If you want to know how the mind of a confident Alpha Man works, what he thinks, and how he handles his life, from the inside out, including getting his motivation and conquering his fears, then this program will reveal these inner workings to you so that you can use them yourself...
- If you've ever wanted to increase your success with women in every way - PERIOD - then this program is the missing piece of the puzzle to put you back in the game ... to WIN.
Who DOESN'T Need This Program?
- If you are totally confident in every social or professional situation you find yourself, and you're completely confident walking up to and talking with ANY woman, this program probably won't do much for you...
- If you get all the dates you need, and you even find yourself constantly trying to find time to date all the women you meet, or you're tired of women approaching you all the time, you're probably not going to find much here that will help your situation...
On the other hand, if that isn't you, this program is going to open your eyes WIDE to how women REALLY work, and what is REALLY going on out there in the dating world.
Try It Out...
For your risk-free inspection, just cover the $7.50 shipping and handling while you have your time to review and use the strategies that I teach. If you decide to keep the program, after 30 days, we'll charge the remaining $140 automatically.
Click this button now to get The Secrets of the Alpha Man e-book and all the bonuses on your 30-day trial...
Just cover the $7.50 shipping and handling:
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"...just wanted to say that your advice on dating and women is
priceless and that my stumbling upon it was the greatest blessing
in life. Thanks for the tough love" - Ruslan
If you have any questions about this package, just send an email to [email protected] and I'll get right back to you with an answer.
Wishing you confidence and success with women,
Carlos Xuma
P.S. Every tip, strategy, and technique that I share with you in the e-books and CDs is a PROVEN winner. I use every one of them myself in real-world situations, and I know that they will work for you, too.Remember, you have the program to try and use for 30 days, AND a 100% satisfaction guarantee - if you're not happy, return the program and YOU DON'T PAY. This is truly a 100% risk- free offer.
Click here to order your copy of "Secrets of the Alpha Man" program today...
P.P.S.: If you are serious about becoming cold-blood confident and get the results of badboys by just your mere presence, then you should order your copy now. I'm talking about life changing things here. I've been training men to improve their confidence and skills with women for over 5 years. If there's one think I know from having coached and taught THOUSANDS of men it's this: The man who knows how to handle women effectively will have more success in dating - and in LIFE.
This is the unique opportunity to FILL YOUR LIFE with beautiful women - don't pass it up. And with your protection DOUBLED you have nothing to lose.
Click here to order your copy of "Secrets of the Alpha Man" program today...P.P.P.S: Remember Your 90-Day DOUBLE Risk-Free Guarantee...
Protection #1: If you're not absolutely thrilled, just return the CDs in re-saleable condition within 90 days for a complete 100% refund. No questions. No hassles. Protection #2: Even if you cancel, your efforts won't be for nothing. You'll get to keep the THREE Super Bonuses as my way of saying "Thanks." That's a guaranteed gain, no matter what you decide! I've been helping guys get more success with women since 2001... I'm here for the long-haul for you to succeed in EVERY area of your life... It's my mission and promise to you.
This program has changed LIVES. And I stand by it 100%. If you're not happy at any time during the first 90 days, just return the program in good condition for a refund.
No questions asked.
"I want to thank you for the Alpha Man Program... it's literally changed my life... I am a different person after your program..."
"The Secrets of the Alpha Man is a truly awesome material... If you are not having women attracted as much as you deserve, this is THE program!
It's not only about how to attract women... It's about how to succeed in life AND have women attracted to you... AND it really works... It totally changed my life after my past relationship and now I'm being on the path of becoming an Alpha man... It's worth much more than the actual price... I'm loving it... and all men will!!!
And one more thing about Carlos is that he actually cares.. He's not here for money.. If you need any advice, he WILL find time and reply to help you... And that is also priceless...
This is so much more than a program.. For me, it is the threadmill to success in life... My advice: Go and get it!!!"
- Ash J. in the UK
"The one most influential thing in my life... more than any counseling... You are definitely on the point... and I bought in to the game..."
Here are what some of my customers have said about the "Secrets of the Alpha Man"...
"I just want to thank you for your book 'Secrets of the Alpha Man', which has totally changed my model of reality, and my life. I am in my late twenties, and thanks to your help and that of others ... I am now finally becoming a man.
You've changed my life, and ensured I will have a more successful sexual life... In this information age, knowledge is truly power, and it seems I now have near-perfect information about how the world really is. Many Thanks!"
- A. A.
"I saw your stuff and took a chance. If I had known what I was going to get from your stuff, I swear I would have paid two times your price for it...
The next day after listening to the audio and reading a little, I began to suddenly look at women in a new way. The best part is - they've started looking back. You are the man..."
- M. R., Florida
"Keep up the good work! I've tried a lot of different products in the dating industry and yours is the most comprehensive. I like the emphasis on 'inner game'..."
- C. D.
"I got The 'Secrets of the Alpha Man' at last after weeks of thinking about it. It's worth every penny, and tell you the truth it all makes sense. I can't believe I haven't thought of this way of acting before every relationship I've been in that has broken up happened because I let the Beta male out and didn't [keep] up being the Alpha Male.
Thanks, Carlos Xuma, for doing all the hard work so everyone who's smart enough to buy this will get the women they deserve."
- J.D., England
"I believe the greatest value of your work is that it is a constant source of encouragement and reflection. You tell guys things they all experience, but are too afraid to discuss with each other.
Thanks for having the guts to cross the barrier. Facing your fears is another one of your valuable lessons and not just with women..."
- Jack L., New Hampshire
"This eBook has really opened my eyes as to what self-confidence really is. I've been able to get a variety of ideas to really transform my life around and make it what I want. Guys don't understand that attracting women goes hand in hand with a specific lifestyle. You can't live the same way and expect to just have women coming on to you, YOU NEED TO MAKE A CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE.
That's what this program helped me do. As a result, getting girls feels much more congruent with who I am now because I know that I'm living the lifestyle of a man who gets women! Thanks so much Carlos!"
- Ronnie N., New York, NY
"Where have you been all this time, I love what I seen and have heard from your great package on Alpha Man. Your information is very clear and hits the nail on the head, as others that offer the same information fall short. Now I know I will have success as I must say I have lack skills in this area and can wait to meet more women and go further than just saying hello."
- DJ from Australia
"Every minute I read the material, it's like exploring every new territory of heaven,
it's full of excitement and inspiration.
Anyways, I am really glad that I invested the money on your programs, and I truly feel ya when your newsletter saying the feeling of losing game. I am trying to read as much as possible and develop a game plan for myself.
Well, thanks again for the material... If anyone out there is wondering about this program, all I can say is even if you have to [get a] loan, it is ABSOLUTELY worth to get it if success in dating is your goal."
- J. H., Georgetown, D.C.
...and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Click here to read ALL the testimonials.
Kai Powers: "Guys, you should definitely check out Carlos' programs..."
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Listen to what the other gurus are saying about Carlos' work...
"If I knew about Carlos Xuma's products earlier in my life, it would have saved me a lot of years... Trust me, Carlos has changed my life -- he can change yours too!"
"... We're here to say with absolute CERTAINTY that you clearly deserve to be amongst the top 1% within the crowded triangle.... He always OVERDELIVERS in his dating programs and, long story short... his techniques WILL get you the results you want. Period."
"Carlos Xuma is a man who has a clear passion for imparting the success with women he has experienced to other guys worldwide. He approaches his craft with immense integrity and a distinct style!"
"Carlos Xuma is the REAL DEAL! If you are serious about creating an extraordinary relationship. I highly recommend Carlos to any man who is ready to get the woman of his dreams. I love his game, it's 100% real."
"Carlos Xuma is one of those rare guys in the field who actually GETS what interacting with women is all about. His advice goes beyond the pick-up lines and approach techniques..."
"Carlos Xuma is one of the few men in the 'seduction' or 'attraction' community who digs beneath the surface of passing attraction, and explores what it is to be a man who attracts women by virtue of his character and, consequently, the natural outward expression of high character..."
"Hey Carlos, I write about the biology of men and women's behavior. You seem to know the biology of behavior without knowing it. How do you do that? You have a deep intuition of dynamics - it took me 7 years of academic research to discover. And you find sharp ways to apply it practically... Keep up the good work, brother."
"I've read every book and studied every system on dating and seduction. ... Xuma is the best there is at teaching men how to develop their 'inner game.' From there, he'll give you the complete set of tools for approaching women, and life, with absolute confidence and skill. If you're in this game to win it, these are the rules you need to learn."
"Carlos Xuma is on the 'dating forefront' of teaching guys in this area and he can help YOU fast-forward your own skills and confidence to get R.E.A.L. results with women."
Press play to hear Rion...
"I was blown away by how much this guy knows... I highly recommend learning from this man..."
Press play to hear Jason...
"Great stuff... Really awesome... this stuff will put all the elements together man... I highly recommend it..."
Press play to hear Mehow...
"I can tell you that Carlos lives what he teaches... He is genuine, authentic, and very much in tune with people..."
Press play to hear David Shade...
"An incredible journey and revelation..."
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If you have any questions about The Secrets of the Alpha Man Package, just email us by clicking HERE.
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