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"Send me your feedback and experience in
the space provided below &I'll send you a special gift"
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Which of Carlos Xuma's products or programs are you commenting on?
7 Principles of Seduction
Alpha Masculinity
Alpha Lifestyle DVDs
Alpha Man Conversation & Persuasion
Approach Women - NOW!
Approach Women 2 - Real Alpha Daygame
Bad Boy Formula
Get a Girlfriend Fast - Alpha Male Dating Power
Get Your Man!
Girlfriend Training Program
How To Talk To Women
Power Social Skills
Secrets of the Alpha Man
Secrets of the Alpha Man Immersion DVDs
Sexual Spark System
The Alpha Rules E-book
The Dating Black Book
The Seduction Method
Ultimate Calling & Texting Program
Ultimate Inner Game
What is the biggest obstacle that prevented you (before now) from buying this program? (How did you feel before buying it? What caused you to move from where you were to getting the program?)
My biggest obstacle was
What did you find as a result of buying this program? (What results did you get...?)
My results are
What specific feature did you like most about the program you got?
Specifically, I liked
What would be three other benefits of this program?
Three other benefits are
Would you recommend this program to another guy? If so, why?
Please complete the following sentence:
I would recommend this program to a friend because
Then click the submit button bellow.
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