Are you ready to learn the communication
strategies of confident men?
Learn the Art of Conversation and
Persuasion with Women
-- or anyone!
No More Uncomfortable Silences With Women...
Advanced Communication Secrets:
Handle Difficult Women With Ease - Shut Down Aggro Jerk Guys -
Be Funny and Banter With Women - Build Unstoppable Trust & Rapport -
Persuade and Influence ANYONE - Quickly and Easily......
CARLOS XUMA: Monday, 12:24 AM.
Hi, it's Carlos... I need
to tell you something important...
There's a hidden side to the game of attracting and approaching women that most gurus do not want to tell you about.
In this report, I'm going to expose some of the most important things you
will ever learn about talking with women.
And, even more important, you're going to learn how these rules help you when
you're talking to men, women, anyone...
First of all, imagine this situation:
There you are, standing at the bar with a woman you
just met. You've been chatting for about the last ten minutes, and you're finding
her more and more interesting by the second. You'd love to ask her out, but
after you got done talking about your vacation to Hawaii, and her job as a
corporate headhunter, your conversation has been drying up...
Even worse - you feel the fear starting to burn in your stomach like a hot coal. And before you know it, you're sitting in one of those long uncomfortable silences where she stares around the bar, and you're kicking yourself because you don't know what to say to keep it going...
Have you ever been in that situation?
How about this one:
You're at a party, talking to a group of people. One
guy tells the group a joke, and everyone is laughing hysterically. Then, you
remember a funny story, and you jump in, hoping to ride the good energy along.
Only when you get done with your story, you only get a polite chuckle from
a few people, and then the subject changes to something else. Then you start
to feel like you missed something. And without knowing how it happened, you
start to feel
slightly embarrassed...
These situations happen all the time, but they don't need to. All it takes is a little training and social awareness of how conversation and persuasion works, and you can take control of any communication.
Here's a situation that guys experience - and every guy wants to avoid:
You're out at happy hour with a mixed group of friends, and a male friend of one of them just happens to show up and join you. This guy seems to have all the right things to say. He's got wit, style, and interesting stories that keep everyone listening to his every word. After just a few minutes of hanging out with your group, he's got them eating from the palm of his hand.
When he goes off to get a drink, you notice that a few of the women are still
smiling, and as he turns his back, they look at each other, signaling something
between them. You're not sure what it is, but you have the sinking sensation
that they're both attracted to him and interested in him... Suddenly
you feel pushed into "the forgotten zone," where no one seems
to notice you the same way they did before...
If you've ever felt like conversations and social skills are
more complicated than they appear on the surface, I'm here to tell you that you
are absolutely right.
However, if you feel like you're at a disadvantage when you're talking
with other people - your girlfriend, your family, your boss - ANYONE -
then you need to know this, too:
- You can put an end to the frustration, and develop your social skill to massive levels of success - and I'm going to show you how in this article.
- You can have conversations that are long, strong, and motivate people
to like you and trust you...
- You can create conversations that bristle with energy and draw people
to you like a magnet...
- You need to have conversations that you can change and calibrate to
any situation...
- What you want is...
Power Conversation Skills That Make People Pay
Attention To You...
I've conducted polls of thousands of men to find out what guys want and
need most to
develop their game with women, as well as general social skills. Hands down, every
guy wants better conversational ability.
And not only that, but over
40% said that keeping the conversation going beyond the first
couple exchanges was the toughest part of attracting a woman.
A few years ago, I would actually have agreed with them, because this was
really tough for me, too. But I found a way to overcome this, and now that's
about to change for you.
The funny thing is that these same guys don't know how right they are that CONVERSATION is their most POWERFUL asset when creating Attraction and Rapport with women - or just forming bonds with other guys.
Our verbal and nonverbal skills, along with with our perception of the subcommunication going on in these conversations, are what give us true influence and persuasive ability with other people.
The one thing that we don't want as humans - and especially as MEN - is to be left out or feel as if we're being ignored in conversation. We want to feel important.
We want to MATTER to other people.
In order for us to feel like we matter to others, we have to feel some other things, such as:
- Knowledgeable about the topic at hand...
- Respected by the people we're talking to...
- Safe that we're not going to get embarrased or humiliated...
If you don't feel these three things - knowledgeable, respected, and safe - you're going to have a tough time feeling good about the conversation.
Let's cover each of these, so I can explain how this works for you...
Feeling #1: You must feel KNOWLEDGEABLE
Of course, I can't possibly tell you how to know everything about every subject
so that you can keep up in a conversation with, say, a marine biologist. You'd
need years of
specialized schooling and background. And there's an infinite number of topics
out there.
But I can show you how to look smart and carry yourself intelligently -
even when you're really kind of "dumb" about the topic at hand.
Here's how I've seen the best conversationalists do it:
The first thing you must do when you're in a conversation about a topic over your head is get over your need to impress everyone or plow through it with arrogant B.S. If you're talking to someone with any amount of intelligence, they're just not going to fall for it.
The first step is to drop the "smart guy" act and humble yourself a bit. You
need to appear open to new information. You don't have to throw your hands
up and yell, "I ain't got NO idea what you're talking
about! But, golly, it sure do sound important!" You can be open without
seeming like you're a country hick.
Here's how you appear open and interesting so that others pull you into the
conversation - and you seem approachable instead of aloof...
Look at the person (or group) you're talking to, and show the following body language: un-crossed arms, head slightly tilted, eyes focused, and nod frequently - but slowly. Another natural body language expression is when a man rubs his chin with one arm supporting the other. (This is the exception to the "crossed arms" rule.)
You want to have the appearance of someone who is taking in the information, and is genuinely listening - DEEPLY listening as if his life depended on what was being said.
When the other people in the conversation believe that you are not trying to bluff or posture and pretend to know about something that you have no clue about, they WON'T
CARE that you don't know. They'll actually be impressed that you can be so genuine about wanting to learn more.
Think about the last time you talked to someone and they became your willing
student. I'll bet any amount of money that your impression and favorable feelings
of them went UP - big time.
And then, after you demonstrate your willingness to listen,
you can then ask intelligent questions to learn about the topic at hand.
This one works like GOLD in every conversation I've ever been in. Sometimes I'll even use it with topics I already know about to sneak in under their radar and really impress them.
Now, after you start to feel like you can talk to just about anyone...
Feeling #2: You must feel RESPECTED
In order for another person to allow us into their "zone of trust," they have to feel that they are respected.
The same goes for you, too.
Think back to a time when you were talking on the phone to a customer service
rep, and they said, "So-and-so Company, can you hold for a second?"
If they just threw you on hold without waiting for you to agree, did
you feel respected? No, chances are you'd be pretty pissed. I know I am when
they do this.
But if that same customer service person just said:
"I'm sorry, I have to go put you on hold
for a second. Can I come back and help you in just a minute?"
And then they waited for your answer before they put you on hold, what would
you feel then? Well, you'd probably feel that this person respected you and
your time, and you'd tell them "No problem."
Well Respect is that universal ingredient in conversations that many of us leave out by accident.
Here's a solid method for making sure that the people you talk to feel respected, and you get the respect from them you deserve:
First, in any conversation, if you are doing
something else, like playing with your iPhone or Blackberry, or you're
surfing the Internet, or whatever, STOP. Give
the person your full and complete attention for at least the first couple
minutes of the conversation.
Second, show them that you have empathy by acknowledging their feelings.
Whatever they are talking about, you can easily show that you share their
feelings by saying one thing: "Wow, I bet you're feeling..." and just add
in whatever emotion they are probably feeling.
If she's talking about her cat being sick, you can say: "Wow, I bet you're
feeling worried about her."
If he's talking about his girlfriend dumping him, you can say: "Wow, I
bet you're feeling pretty down."
If they're talking about something positive, you'd just change that around to the positive emotion.
WARNING: This might sound so simple that you'll probably ignore it.
Most of us have probably heard about this technique in some form or another,
and we feel that we know it. But almost NO
ONE EVER does this in conversation.
Listen for the number of times that people show real empathy of any kind in
a conversation. You'll find it's tragically rare.
Pretty much nonexistent.
Most people will assume that if you can understand the emotion they're feeling,
you'll at least be in a place to respect their situation. It's a gem that few
people ever discover or use.
In order for you to GET the respect in conversations that you need, you must demonstrate empathy.
Finally, the third element in the equation of feeling like you are important
in the conversation is...
Feeling #3: You must feel SAFE
Have you ever talked with someone that was very warm and friendly, and you found yourself really drawn into the conversation with them?
Maybe they just seemed so accepting and open to you, but you felt like you could tell them things that you just wouldn't tell other people. You might have even told them something intimate and "secret" about yourself. Later on you wondered why you gave up so much information to them.
What this person was doing was giving you a warm and real VIBE that
you felt you could trust.
They made you feel safe in their presence.
When you can get other people to feel this way about you, it creates a POWERFUL bond
between you and them that establishes a strong sense of trust.
Here's what I do that works like a champ...
I will tell them about my "personal philosophy" of life.
I just say:
"You know, I find that so many people today are judgmental and difficult.
I have a personal philosophy of life that I don't judge people. I just
accept everyone for who they are. I find that this makes me so much more
happy in the long run. You know what I mean?"
Just saying this makes everyone I talk to much more relaxed and agreeable.
Even judgmental people start to relax and become more easygoing.
Now, I want to talk to you about something very important.
This could make all
the difference in your social life - and how you communicate.
Ask yourself these questions. Take a moment to really think how you'd answer them:
- Do you know how to talk to large groups so that your ideas are heard, your influence is felt, and your power and authority is understood and accepted?
- Do you want to be funnier and develop your sense of humor so that
people think of you as fun to be around?
- Do you feel like you know
how conversations really work from the inside out? Do you understand
how people are motivated and why they say the things they do?
- Do you know how to know how to write emails more effectively to
get women interested when you're dating online?
- Do you know how to use personality reading techniques to get faster understanding of people and build rapport in minutes instead of HOURS?
- Do you know which topics that are guaranteed to start a good, long conversation?
- Do you know how to be memorable to anyone you meet within the first 30 seconds?
These are the essential skills that some guys got naturally, and maybe you once had and lost.
Or maybe you never had them at all.
If You Could Talk To Any Woman - or ANYBODY - And Know That You Could
Get Them Talking, Laughing, and Liking You in Just a Few Minutes..."
The most amazing realization of the last 20 years is that conversation
and social skills can be built up from scratch. You don't have
to be a "natural" to
be good in conversation and persuasion.
And in fact, it's better if you're , because you will understand the
principles that "naturals" take for granted. AND you'll
be able to improve your skills beyond even their ability.
When I was a kid growing up in upstate New York, I remember that I felt
very awkward in a lot of conversations with people. I was usually afraid
- Saying something dumb and having everyone think I was an
- Saying something wrong and having everyone think I was clueless...
- Not knowing what to say when someone was insulting me or giving me a hard time...
- Feeling weird, embarrassed, and inferior when I was talking
in a group of people...
Or sometimes I'd just be afraid that everyone in my group would just forget me or push me into the background.
And a lot of the time, that really did happen. I had certain friends that
would grab the biggest share of the conversation and then proceed to hog
it all when they could. And I would feel like I was just another spectator.
After a while, though, I learned some techniques that helped me build up my ability to talk with people, and handle
situation they threw at me. Fast-forward a few years and you would see a very different guy than the one who couldn't even get a word in on the side without looking like a complete dork.
Let me show you...
"The 5 Mistakes Most Guys Make In Everyday Conversations..."
MISTAKE 1: Not seeing or noticing the right "vibe" in the conversation.
I'm REALLY guilty of this one.
I once walked up to a group of people in the break room at work that looked
really serious. As I got some water from the cooler I said, "Hey, you guys
need to lighten up. Who died?" And one of them said, "Uh,
my brother."
Ooooof. I'm cringing now as I type this. That was a very embarrassing
And the fact is that I could have saved myself the pain of that experience by just by noticing that they all did look serious, and it was probably for a reason. It was not a time to be clever and funny.
There's a lot of times that we overlook these signals
and cues, especially when we're making conversation
with women. Many times, a guy will not calibrate or adjust his approach to a woman when he's talking to her. As a result she brushes him off.
It's not hard to avoid these mistakes in your conversations. Simply listening
for how a woman chooses certain words will usually help you figure out what
you should be talking about with her.
If she's asking you questions about you, that's not just a sign of interest.
Usually it's also an indication that she needs more facts and information
about you to help develop her TRUST.
A lot of guys deflect a woman's questions, or challenge her too much - thinking
that she's just "testing" him. As a result, they miss out on a connection with
her that she was actually HELPING him to make.
The next mistake guys make is...
MISTAKE 2: Holding back on revealing your personality.
This might seem a little obvious, but when you hide your personality from a woman, she can sense that you're not being open. In fact, the ability to project
your personality from the inside out is a very attractive thing.
I've gotten in conversations with women numerous times, talking about the "dorky" or
even "geeky" things that I enjoy, and they're still
interested because of
the energy that I'm putting out. (I sometimes try to talk about a computer
game with a woman as a challenge to myself to see if I can still keep her
The interesting thing about people that are holding themselves back is
that they appear to be playing the social game of life with "scared money." This
means that just like a gambler at the poker table, they can't afford to
be playing the game as if every dollar was their last.
That's a sure-fire recipe for disaster. Ask anyone who knows how to play poker about this. If you're scared to lose, you'll be an easy target for everyone else who can sense it from your hesitant manner.
When you hesitate to show yourself to others, they think you're scared
about life and don't have the reserves to put yourself out there.
this guy is closed off. Guarded. He must be sensitive or insecure about
And that energy pushes people away. We want people in our lives
that have a natural giving energy. We're drawn to it.
Which is why you must not be afraid to reveal your
personality to other people. I'm not talking about "opening your robe" and showing it all. You
need to use discretion to decide what will be best for you to reveal.
Certain facts will attract women (and other people in general) to you,
and certain other facts will push them away. The key is in knowing which
is which.
Another mistake most guys make is...
MISTAKE 3: Trying too hard to be noticed or "important" in the conversation.
It's been said that we are often more scared of losing something than we
are of not getting something. This is
VERY true when it
comes to
In our desperate attempts to not be "forgotten" and pushed to the back of a conversation, we sometimes
anything to make sure that we're not left out.
It's a
painful feeling when you realize that other people are not paying attention to you. Feeling ignored just sucks, no matter how you look at it.
So it's no surprise that many guys will go to extreme lengths to avoid this happening to them.
Some of the ways that guys try too hard are:
- Bragging
- Talking out of turn, or interrupting
- Being too obnoxious or abrasive
- Using humor inappropriately - such as telling a dirty joke
It's essential that you don't fall victim to this urge to jump around
and wave your hands - saying "Look at me! Look at me!" the way we did when
we were kids. You might not be doing that with your hands, but we often
do it with the tiny body language signals and our choice of words - and
probably without realizing it.
Attention must be shared in conversation. And when it's appropriate, there are strategies to regain the attention and the focus within a group.
The next mistake is...
MISTAKE 4: Being sarcastic and negative.
This one is a killer.
It doesn't just kill the vibe - it kills any chance of a healthy conversation or relationship between you and a group.
Very often, we fall back on a negative or cynical sense of humor to cover up our sore spots or areas of insecurity. It's easy to do, and yes, I used to do this ALL the time.
Sarcasm can be funny - in small amounts. The problem is that sly
comments with a little bit of scorn make us look very petty. And even though
we all want to get "in" with a group of people, a bad way to do this is
by insulting or taking sides with someone just to get the group's approval.
All of these strategies seem to work in the short term,
but they really just paint us into a box as being a bit angry and insecure.
Negativity is so tempting to fall into, because it's all around us. It's
in the headlines, and the top news stories, and your neighbor's complaining.
It's in the long traffic delays and the bad weather.
The people that bitch and moan are the people we avoid
like the plague after a while because they just drag us down.
But the people we know that don't indulge our self-pity or complaints, the people that elevate our spirits and give us hope are the ones we come back to again and again...
In order to keep your conversation alive with the kind of energy that people want to come back to again and again, you must keep yourself from becoming too negative or sarcastic.
And finally, the fifth mistake guys make in conversation all the time
MISTAKE 5: Not having the ability to steer the conversation to a
meaningful goal...
This is the probably the most important of the five errors that guys make,
and it usually comes up in something that I call "Power
A Power Conversation is when you are talking to someone, and whether or not you realize it, there is something important that will come out of it. There's
something at stake to be gained or lost in the conversation.
Maybe it's a job offer. Maybe it's a date with an attractive woman. Maybe
it's even something as small as your pride on the line when you make a bet
with your friend as to which Die Hard movie has the most explosions.
When you have a conversation like this, it's no longer about just shooting the breeze. Now you have something
to be won or lost, which means it changes the whole context of things.
I'll give you a tip here that deals with this particular mistake...
I often get guys asking me "How long should I talk to a woman? Won't I
lose her interest after a while?" Let me tell you something VERY important:
Conversations are never "long" or "short;" they're
either interesting ... or boring.
And you can control that.
It's never about wearing out your welcome when you're keeping a person's interest. I've gladly run late for meetings or missed appointments because I was talking to someone about something so cool that I didn't want to leave.
I'm sure you've experienced this as well.
You're so into this heart-to-heart talk, mostly because the other
person seems to genuinely hear you, not just waiting for their turn to
talk. They seem thrilled to know more about you, and as a result you feel
a connection that is so REAL.
THAT, my friend, is the goal you're trying to go after in conversations with people. You're trying to create a gabfest that no one in their right mind would want to walk away from.
Can you imagine the magnetic quality this will have for you with women?
With everyone you come in contact with?
These are the unforgettable people in our lives, the ones we remember talking to long after their gone, and we long to talk to them again.
And YOU can be one of them.
Conversation & Persuasion Skills
Will Improve Your Quality of Life and Your Successes on Every Level...
Of all the skills that guys
want to develop with women, this one is the easiest to work on because
of the sheer volume of information available to help you.
Some of the benefits you'll enjoy when you have better conversational
skills are:
- Better relationships with your family
- Faster attraction and intimacy with women
- More deeper and meaningful communication
- Increased sense of independence and personal power
- More effective social skills and influence
- Better relationships and results at work
The fact is, you CANNOT afford to neglect your conversation and communication skills. It is the single most important determinant of your future success in life in almost every area.
Yes, even more than your grades in school and the number of degrees
you get in college. NOTHING determines your success
in life more than applied social communications skills.
A Quick Exercise to Determine How Socially
Skilled You Feel
Read these questions, and take a second to reflect on your own experience.
See how many of them you relate to.
- When you're in a conversation, do you
ever feel like you're being poked fun at - and the second you try
to point out what they're doing, they manage to "get nice" again
and avoid any blame? Do you have a method to avoid this kind of
- When you're talking to a woman, do
you ever find yourself in a situation where you know you've met
a high-quality woman and you don't want to mess it up, but you
can't find the words to form a real connection between you and
her? And the more you try, the more you sense she starts to pull
away, as if you're just coming at it from the wrong direction?
- You're in an intense conversation with your boss
over a project, and you know you're right. Then
he pulls out his Wild Card excuse on you and says you should
just do what he says to avoid making waves. Do you give in
and go along, or do you know how to turn him around and get
him to see that your way is the right way?
- You're talking to your mom, and you're
doing your best to pay attention and appear sincerely interested.
After just ten seconds of talking, your mind starts to wander,
and instantly she says: "You're not listening to me!" What were
the secret signals you gave off that told her you weren't paying
- You're in a group of friends and you
crack a joke that's a little edgy. A few people laugh, but most
of them appear uncomfortable. Do you let the moment pass and try
to explain it to them later one-on-one, or is there something you
can say right now that would be smooth things over and fix the
- Your girlfriend takes offense to something you said and
blows up like a grenade. Should you A) push back with just as much
yelling and anger to put her in her place, or B) let her get her
way now, and then hope she relaxes later and comes around? Obviously neither
one is the optimum strategy, but do you know how to read her
and recognize the conflict so that you can avoid it in the
first place...?
All of these situations require slightly different conversation skills
to manage, yet most of us just use the same old reactions we've used
since we were kids, and we only manage to succeed the way we wanted in
few of these situations instead of almost
every time.
We discover that
we really don't have the level
of control and persuasive influence in conversations that we want.
"Guys Are Naturally
Behind the Curve When It Comes to Conversation and Persuasion Ability..."
After all, women
grew up talking to each other and feeling out the social "vibe," so
they have an edge. Guys rarely get this kind of experience
until later in life, and then we're much less prepared to use it effectively.
But there are ways to learn this vital skill.
I was one of those kids who played in his room a lot, watched a lot
of TV, and generally had no clue about what was actually happening
in social situations.
I remember a particular time when I was out with a group of my friends,
and there were a couple of girls in the group with us. I remember how
crappy it felt to be forced to the "background" of the conversation
because I really had no clue as to what to say to
the girls without feeling like a loser in front of
the other guys.
But I also saw that the guys I was with didn't really know, either.
They were talking about sports and video games, and the girls were
talking about friends and the drama that was going on between them.
I could see that there was a major difference in what guys
and girls found interesting to talk about, but I couldn't
figure out HOW to talk about this stuff.
Fast forward a few years, and Carlos grew up. (Well, a little bit.)
But I still didn't have the kind of social awareness that
I wanted. It wasn't until I took a few personality tests, and then
started reading a TON of books on the topic that I found I had a lot
of theory, but nothing really practical for
understanding these social situations.
Still, I kept reading, and discovered that there were some basics to understanding
how to start and keep a social conversation going, and that
it could be learned. I made a lot of notes on what worked, what didn't,
and which skills were helpful.
Imagine How You'll Feel When You Can :
- Keep any conversation going without effort, and without
all those
"routines" and memorized scripts...
- Talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime - and make
a friend, a business contact, or a possible date...
- Know exactly how to calibrate to a woman's state...
- Handle any guy that tries to tool you or put you down in a conversation...
- Handle any coworker that gives you a hard time...
- De-fuse anyone in your family that tries to emotionally manipulate you
with one sentence...
- Know when someone's lying to you
Now You Can Learn
Conversation & Persuasion
Finally, you're going to be able to get the skills you need.
Imagine: You've got an ally in this battle. An arsenal of weapons
that you could use at any time to get you in or out of any conversation.
I've exhausted all my best stuff to put together this definitive
14 CD set (yes that's fourteen audio compact discs) that
will put you light years ahead of anyone out there.
Don't freak out over the size of this program. It's got a lot of information,
but it's easy to jump in and just learn the parts you need. You can pick and
choose, and take your time with it. Once you get started, it's hard to stop
learning all the great techniques and tips I've got in here.
Take a look at the concepts and practical skills you're going to learn and
be able to use in just a few hours with this program:
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DISC 1: Concepts - Inner Game
- The most important advantage in conversation - and how you can seize it to have the upper hand...
- Your single biggest obstacle in conversation - and how you can overcome it and be free of this "anchor" that's dragging you down...
- What you MUST know about using pre-rehearsed "scripts" and "patterns" to assist you with your ability in conversation with women...
- The #1 rule of conversation - and why you must obey it if you ever want to succeed in developing rapport and trust in your social circle...
- The difference between good and bad conversations - and how you stay out of the "bad"ones once and for all...
- How to destroy effective communication - and chances are you are already making these mistakes...!
- The complete Architecture and Structure of conversations so that you can know how to talk to anyone in the right way...
- The most important taks you have to perform in a conversation so that the other person pays attention - and you get the results you want...
- The secret factor you must manage when you're in a conversation with someone so that they trust you and relate to you - almost as if they've known you forever...
- The first big question of all communication that you must answer - or the other person will lose their interest in a matter of minutes...
- The 5 Positive Traits you need for flexibility in conversation so that you are not caught off guard and can "flow" with the talk...
- The key to developing massive confidence in conversation so that the other people respect and listen to you...
- The "That's Great" strategy for re-framing and keeping a positive attitude - for REAL - and being much more optimistic no matter what life throws at you...
- The one reason most guys cannot stay positive and - and you can change this in just 10 minutes...!
- The 8 Golden Rules of Communication
- The fastest method to make a new friend - in just minutes...
- 3 critical skills for opening conversations the right way so that you can look your best and impress anyone...
- How to use your "emergency chute" in a conversation to manage anxiety, stay relaxed, and not lose your confidence...
- The question you must answer in every communication of persuasion to be a success...
- How to ask any woman out so she will not only WANT to go out with you, SHE will make it easy for you and put up ZERO resistance...
- How to talk to your boss to get what you want - from a raise, to a better project, to a promotion...
- Examples of woman's tests in conversation - and how most guys fail them miserably...
- How a woman uses "absolutes" and the mistake you must avoid making when she does this to you...
- Anatomy of an Alpha Conversation with a woman - dissecting a conversation so you know what works and what doesn't...
- How to use the power of "rhetoric" to get a discount in sales situations...
- The single factor most important to your financial success in life, and how to use it...
- How to take control of words instead of letting them control you...
- The Alpha Man Conversation Strategy that any man can put into practice right away for more powerful and effective conversation with anyone, anywhere...
- Examples of powerful communication words you should use to maximize your impact in conversation and trigger the subconscious emotions that motivate us...
- And much more...
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DISC 2: STT - Core Skills & Tactics 1
- The cycle of self-confidence and how it works in communication to either help you or cripple your conversations...
- How to "manage results" to win in any interaction with someone...
- How to demonstrate powerful Charisma in communication so that your personality stands out and sticks in their mind...
- The 5 essential qualities of charisma you need to have...
- The most important ingredient for communicating with Charisma with other people...
- What all men and women want to get from conversations that you must provide to stick out in their minds...
- The 6 Secret Traits of a good conversationalist that you must use in every exchange...
- 8 Power People skills - these are essential if you're going to have any lasting success in life...
- Understanding people through Meyers-Briggs and character typing - and know
what their personality is like so that you can build faster trust & rapport...
- Understanding the 4 basic personality types in depth so that you can know their secret motivations and know how to talk to them in their own emotional "language..."
- The number one skill for distinguishing yourself as an Alpha Leader - and how you use this skill in any conversation to stay
- The number one indicator of longevity in relationships - and how you can use this to make the kind of relationship you desire...
- The 4 Hidden Communication Zones - and why you must excel in ALL of them if you're going to persuade and influence others...
- The 14 Human motivators in conversation - these are the secret "hot buttons" we all have that you must understand and use, or others will use yours...!
- Using the power of a "Unique Experience" for a powerful conversation that the other person will never forget...
- How to set yourself apart from others and be different - in the right way - and be memorable...
- The types of people that will stifle your creative identity - and how to identify them before they impact your life...
- How to remove anxiety from conversations and relax - creating a bubble of comfortable space that releases your thoughts to be creative and fun - and make fun conversations...
- How to Fall into a "Safe Zone" in all conversations so that you remain cool and collected - no matter what is going on around you...
- The 10 Minute Process to control your thinking and stop all the crazy static in your head...
- How to use storytelling effectively to communicate your personality and your accomplishments to others...
- How to distribute your attention in groups conversations so that no one is neglected and everyone is paying attention to you...
- The Single Biggest mistake most guys make in storytelling - and how you can avoid this fatal error...
- Mark Twain's storytelling example...
- The 6 MUSTS of storytelling...
- And more...
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DISC 3: STT - Core Skills & Tactics 2
- Conversation Theory and Practice - The Listening & Communications Process in action...
- How to Manage your internal dialogue and stop the conflicting and paralyzing messages that your brain tries to trick you with...
- Improve your Listening Skills in less than 5 minutes...
- The secret ingredient that makes someone more interested in you than your words you're speaking...
- The 4 Levels of listening - and how you get to the DEEP levels that only the experts are able to...
- The places where listening works best - and when it doesn't...
- Sensing the non-verbals - reading body language so that you know what a person is REALLY thinking and not saying in the conversation...
- 3 Steps to active listening that will have your conversation partner subconsciously hypnotized by your level of rapport and attention...
- 10 annoying habits that show you're not listening - get rid of these and you'll have conquered 75% of your problems in conversation...
- Deaf Spots in Conversation - and how they destroy your communication skills and rapport instantly...
- How to use "reprocessing" to double your comprehension and memory retention...
- How to gather keywords to generate new conversational topics and keep a conversation going as long as you want it to...
- Effective body language in communication - how to demonstrate good communication physically...
- Conversational lubricants you can use to help un-stick your talk and help the other person express their thoughts...
- 3 basic Alpha Skills in conversation you must have to retain control, establish a connection, and persuade the people you talk to...
- The single most important question to ask yourself that clarifies all your communications intentions...
- How to communicate with your family effectively and stop them from irritating the hell out of you - start getting the respect you deserve from the people you love...
- How you're setting yourself back even further in your communication style without even being aware of it...
- How to talk to people in authority so that you can be "diplomatic" AND get treated fairly...
- How to handle knowledge and expertise authority in a way that doesn't raise their hackles and create friction...
- How to handle police officers in the right way so that you don't get on their
"bad side"...
- BONUS: How to get out of traffic tickets - this one will save you
the more than your license when you get into a jam...
- How to handle your Boss to get what you want - without any butt-kissing or
office politics...
- And much more...
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DISC 4: Women & Communications
- How to get a woman interested in you - How to sense her interest level and calibrate to it...
- How to Communicate your passions to a woman to establish a powerful sense of rapport and connection that she will fight to keep...
- Carlos' exclusive Animal Question to evoke a woman's sensual and physical involvement in the conversation...
- The Secret Weather Report Technique to explore a woman's emotional state and get her to open up to you in a way that she rarely does to a man...
- The 4 Elementary levels to reach a woman's heart and bypass her rational thinking...
- How you'll know when you've REALLY seduced a woman - and it's not what you think...!
- How to turn a woman's test questions into your benefit without creating a war of wills...
- The top 6 test questions a woman will hit you with and the best responses to make sure you answer them all dead-on correct...
- BONUS: Top 10 Responses to the question women ask and men fear most: "Why
aren't you married yet?"
- Differences in how you must communicate to men vs. women - and how to understand how the other side thinks...
- How to impress a woman in conversation - without bragging or other counter-productive methods that most guys use incorrectely...
- How to effectively open and tease women in conversation so that you energize the interaction and establish a sexual overtone...
- What teasing communicates to a woman - and how it works to unlock her inner restraints - lowering her defenses...
- BONUS: Example teasing interaction to understand how this kind of banter works...
- Why "Energy Escalation" is vitally important in communicating with women
and starting attraction with her that burns out of control...
- The one thing you must do to a beautiful women to attract her on the first meeting - and if you miss this you'll probably end up with just another uninterested friend...
- How to use BANTER in conversation with women to drive up the spirit and enthusiasm every time...
- BONUS: Notorious Dialogue example of how banter works in a masculine interaction...
- 10 Rules for Banter that you must know to ensure you are able to cut up and get her laughing with your witty dialogue...
- How to close out your banter so you don't lose her attraction by dropping the energy...
- 5 Hidden Ways to develop your banter ability so that you're always ready for any conversation...
- Carlos' 9.5 Witty Banter Techniques for you to use in any conversation...
- How to get the woman to help you keep the conversation going
instead of always being the one to feel the pressure...
- How and why you must demonstrate uniqueness in conversation...
- The difference between the "Lame" introduction and Alpha Introduction - with example...
- How to build massive, iron-clad rapport with women that
keeps them interested in you more powerfully than any other "pickup" technique
you will find...
- How to "Induce Familiarity" with a woman so that she treats you like someone she's trusted for years...
- How to use specific words to gain familiarity with another person by triggering their sense of comfort and natural trust...
- How to demonstrate rapport contact in unfamiliar situations so that you can avoid the "nervous jitters" of being the "stranger..."
- And much more...
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DISC 5: NLP & Persuasion Strategies
- How to use NLP modeling to improve your skills and abilities with other men and women...
- The impact of language on experience - understanding why NLP is the most essential skill for human interaction...
- The secret power of choice and behavior in social communications...
- How to tap into Emotional Meanings to persuade others and influence them...
- The 6 Pillars of NLP explained - learn the basics and foundations of this communications science in just 10 minutes...
- How to use the power of evoking states to change people's emotions and improve the social "vibe..."
- How to discover anyone's emotional vocabulary in just a few minutes so that you can communicate with power and emotion...
- The detailed technique for eliciting states in people so that you understand their motivation and desires...
- Detailed examples of building suggestive and emotionally powerful language that helps people see their own needs...
- The Hidden Architecture - building your own power phrases that impact people on a deep emotional level...
- Over 40 Examples of introductions to open up a woman's awareness and receptivity
- The five primary sensory systems and their NLP applications - learn how to use our senses to communicate more effectively...
- Characteristics of the primary modalities - how to spot them in people so that you can determine the most effective communications...
- Understanding someone's communication style by spotting their choice of words...
- The Car Question Technique to discover a woman's communication style - and how to use this with anyone...
- The specific words to listen for in conversation that clue you in to their motivation and objectives...
- How to read anyone's eyes in just a split second so that you can tell what they are thinking behind their words...
- How to read if someone is actually being hostile with you or just messing with you...
- How to determine if another person is thinking "business only" or more personal with you...
- The 5 second limit rule and why you MUST use it to help you get past emotional and trust defenses...
- The Ultimate Lie Detector: How to tell when someone is lying to you with simple indicators that you can spot in a heartbeat...
- Which compliments work and which will NOT work...
- How to change people's opinions to your favor so they go along with you much
- The Secret Difference you must know about to influence short vs. long-term decisions...
- The most common mistakes in conversation and how to avoid them from catching you off-guard...
- How to brag and impress others WITHOUT sounding like you're bragging
or trying to impress...
- How to make a compliment to a woman - and be believed - AND have her genuinely appreciate you for it...
- How you can find out what a woman REALLY wants in a man - what she
won't tell you with words...
- The information most guys don't get from a woman - and how you can get access to this secret information data file...
- Why you must never resist a disagreement if you want to retain your influence and persuasive ability...
- And much more...
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DISC 6: Rapport and Cold Reading
- How to use cold reading to help you build rapport with women - and how most
guys misunderstand this technique and its power...
- How to get a woman to think you're the most incredibly insightful
man she's ever met...
- How to use cold reading and why you must use it for developing your
relationship with a woman...
- The 3 essential areas to apply your cold reading to improve your success
ratio with women - and developing the connection with anyone you meet...
- Specific cold reading phrases you can use to instantly give someone
that feeling of having known you for years...
- How to use "try-on" statements to avoid errors and embarrassing yourself
when you take a risk in conversation...
- How to bridge from cold reading to real rapport and conversations
that are authentic...
- How to avoid the mistakes that break rapport and keep the flow in your
communication going like water...
- How to interpret a person's occupation to make accurate assumptions
of their character and their personality - with examples...
- How to use the "fishing" technique to improve your accuracy and insight into
- 10 Essential rules of cold reading - the must-have laws of effectively
using this technique that you are probably breaking without even knowing
- How to "shotgun" for maximum effectiveness in your observations of people...
- The "observer" technique for interpreting people's personalities
and behaviors...
- How to use my "Polarized Test" method to make dead-on accurate predictions
about people in just seconds...
- How to read anyone's body language to interpret them and improve
your accuracy in figuring them out...
- 6 Words to never use when you're reading someone's personality...
- How to pose a "negative question" about someone that can never be
- How to get someone's HONEST opinion - when you want to know what someone
is really thinking...
- How to catch someone in a lie - and be dead-on accurate every time...
- How made-up stories can sound convincing - and how you can see right through
- NEGOTIATION STRATEGIES to get what you want in any interaction
and never be taken advantage of...
- Phrases to use in negotiation or arguments to drive your opponent closer
to your goals...
- 5 STEP METHOD FOR GAINING RAPPORT - the complete framework of how
to get someone to trust you and like you in the shortest time possible...
- What to look for to ensure that you're really achieving trust...
- What you specifically MUST watch for in interactions with women
to avoid superficial conversations and lost hook-ups...
- What kind of questions to watch out for from women - you could be tested
by them at any time...
- How to know when you've got a woman's interest hooked on you so that
you don't waste your time, or embarrass yourself with a bad assumption...
- And
much more...
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DISC 7: Verbal Self-Defense 1 - Power Questions
- How we make rational errors in judgment - and how to avoid them...
- Secret tactics to use fallacies to win every argument you get pulled into
- and you will kick yourself for not having caught these before...
- How to handle logical misdirection when someone uses faulty reasoning
on you, so that you're never tooled - or fooled...
- Examples of dilemmas - the ways we're often tricked into confusion by people
with better communication skills - and how you can spot them so you never get
- The "Gambler's Fallacy" - and how it affects your beliefs regarding "luck" -
and keeps you making bad decisions with women - and your friends!
- Fallacy of irrelevant humor - the smokescreen trick that people use
in conversation to throw you off track...
- How the "Loaded Words Strategy" works - the one strategy that women use on
you the most in conversation - and how to avoid being fooled by it...
- My "Begging the Question" reply strategy - use this one simple phrase to
shut anyone down that's trying to out-argue you - this one is pure gold...
- How people use the "Trivial Objections Fallacy" - and how this
one mistake in thinking is holding you back from your goals and desires...
- You'll learn the 4 Statements of Logical Structure - So you can pick apart
anyone's reasoning and figure out if they're right or wrong - or trying to
manipulate you...
- The two steps to verbal self-defense - your personal "jiu-jitsu"
technique to evade and avoid anyone's conversation attacks...
- How people criticize you through "dissociation" - and get
away with it every time without you noticing it - but never again...
- The "Spotlight Question" that throws your credibility into doubt in
a conversation, and how you can duck this fatal shotgun blast attack...
- The Cheap Shot technique - the Conversational grenade men and women
use to get you emotional and irrational in a conversation...
- Learn my specific Delay Tactics to use to give you time to think - you'll
never have that experience of walking away and suddenly coming up with what
you SHOULD have said... Now you'll have it when you need it...
- Question the Question Strategy to stay slippery and avoid
anyone from making you look foolish...
- The hypothetical insult for lowering anyone's status or handling those aggressive
guys in bars that try to make you look bad...
- The complimentary insult attack - how people make you look
dumb and get away with it...
- Learn how to use the Distorted Listening defense for any
verbal assault thrown at you - this one works so well, it's the one strategy
I teach every one of my individual clients...
- The "I Know Better" Tactic for keeping yourself out of the conversational
traps that the clever guys will use on you...
- How people manipulate and train you to respond the way they want, and how
you can see them coming a mile away...
- The Art of the Flawed Comparison Ploy that gets you to change your
mind - and how to spot it and destroy it...
- The two primary forms of questioning and how to use them when talking in
social situations wherever you go for maximum influence and power...
- And much more...
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DISC 8: Verbal Self-Defense 2
- The primary indicators of attacks in conversation - physical, verbal - what
to look for in your opponents...
- How to use my priceless "Story Challenge" tactic to discover a lie
100% of the time...
- Learn Conversational Karate - Your secret martial art of social self-defense
so that you can feel safe in any social situation - and always hold your own...
- How to disagree without looking disagreeable - the best
method for contradicting someone when you have to, but never looking like an
opinionated jerk...
- 4 phrases to avoid conflict in any conversation - perfect for "keeping the
peace" and not making any political mistakes...
- How to call the jerks on their aggression in a way that takes the
wind out of their sails, and makes you look like the Good Guy...
- My Secret "Overdose Tactic" for handling any person - man or woman
- that challenges you or tries to push you around...
- How to overcome another person's misguided resistance to you - when
you really need them to see you're right...
- How to turn people completely around from negativity to helping you get what
you want...
- How to capture people's attention - and end an argument in a socially
tense situation...
- How to effectively use silence in a conversation to make your point...
- How to handle anyone who annoys you or harrasses you - or if they
try to show you down...
- How to handle it when a guy starts hitting on your girlfriend - and how to
avoid reacting to your own jealous impulse...
- The unknown steps to handle a woman who is trying to manipulate you...
- When you should NEVER answer another person's questions - this one tactic
will make all the difference in how you keep your cool in heated conversations...
- How to "Flavor" a request to make a woman more attracted to you and
likely to make her want to give you what you want...
- How to expose a jerk guy's game - without making yourself look bad in front
of others...
- How to play with stereotypes to build attraction and be playful with
women on dates or meet-ups...
- Reframing and using the hidden power of "deliberate misinterpretation" to
handle women's conversation strategies...
- Breaking a guy's aggressive jerk game with the secret ammo
he will never see coming...
- 5 ways to avoid answering a woman's questions when you know it will ruin
your chances with her...
- How to be political when dodging questions so you don't have to look
evasive - and you get to save face...
- The "Player" Example to show you how to spin any question the way YOU want
it to be heard...
- The Universal DON'Ts for Conversation - and most guys are doing at
least 2 of them in most every interaction...
- The 7 Emotional Manipulations in Conversation - how to identify them, see
how they're pulling your strings, and stop them for good...
- The art of "Self-deprecation" to help others get past a social mistake
in just seconds...
- Breaking awkward social and conversational tension and get moving forward
right away...
- The 4 Secret Desires in life and how they impact you, your behavior,
and your choices...
- How to get what you want without begging or resorting to threats - and never
looking bad to others for getting what you deserve...
- How to state your needs the right way - the healthy way - so that
you never feel like the "beggar" in a relationship...
- And much more...
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DISC 9: Handling Difficult People
- How to deal with jerks and difficult conversations that would normally leave
you frustrated and reactive - and walking away with your tail between your
- Handling obnoxious people and behavior so that they learn to annoy
someone else, and you don't leave feeling drained and exhausted...
- The 9 Personality Types Explained - The simple method for unlocking the "personality
code" of anyone you meet so you can understand them and their behaviors...
- How to get along with any personality type by knowing their drives
and motivations...
- Understanding what people need most from you in their social interactions
so that you can deliver it...
- 2 simple alternatives to conflict - never be drawn into aggressive
verbal or physical interactions again...
- The "2 Continuums of Focus" in human interaction and how each personality
fits into this spectrum so you know where everyone is coming from...
- The 4 primary intentions and motivations to understand what anyone wants
and what they need from you most...
- Learn how to recognize conflicting motivations - and how they cause
difficult social situations...
- The 2 Primary Skills you need for handling jerks - or any conflict with someone
who is unreasonable...
- Using the "Blending" and "Mirroring" techniques correctly to assist
rapport - most guys are not doing this right! If you learned this
strategy before, you need to know what you're missing...
- Why people resist helping you to get what you want when you need them most...
- How to use my "backtracking" strategy to reach common ground with
someone you're having an uncomfortable or tense conversation...
- The ONE ESSENTIAL ingredient to managing obnoxious and difficult people and
getting them to work with you instead of against you...
- How to manage conflict situations - the specific tactics for handling
men and women when you're in a confrontation...
- What to watch out for and how NOT to respond in an argument - if you fall
victim to your natural impulse, you'll probably lose the battle...
- How to stay emotionally detached and relaxed so you can draw on your learned
and practiced skills instead of reacting because you were caught off guard...
- How to communicate honestly without being taken advantage of...
- How to get wishy washy people to respond to you - and make a decision one
way or another...
- How to handle negative people so they don't drag you down into their
bitterness and anger - and still keep them as friends...
- The most powerful tool you can use to handle difficult people and personalities...
- Junk-o-logic and how the media uses it - how it works, how to spot
it, and how YOU can use it for yourself...
- And much more...
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DISC 10: Humor - How to Be Funny
- The 3 ways you can get attention without being a "dancing monkey" around
other people... Be entertaining without being the fool...
- Rules for using humor - understanding how to use humor the right
way so that you don't wind up turning people off instead of on to you...
- Developing Observational humor - and how it works to keep conversations going,
make people laugh - AND get women attracted to you...
- The best source of funny material for you to build up your "funny
reserves" in any conversation...
- The 7 formulas for humor and jokes - how they all work, and how you can use
them to create your own personal style of humor...
- The 8 reasons why we laugh - and when you know these reasons, you'll
finally have a real understanding of where humor fits in to your conversations...
- The "Threes" Rule for creating humor - how it works for any joke
you tell or invent...
- The subjects we like to laugh about most - and why you should focus
on them for your jokes and humor...
- The one thing all good humor must have - and if you're not using this, you'll
know why your jokes bomb and you feel foolish afterwards...
- The best way to learn how to be funny so that you don't crash and
burn with your attempts to make women laugh...
- How to play with expectations and associations for humor - the basic formula
for improvisational humor on any topic - and you'll find yourself with banter
that really works when you use it...
- The 3 structure elements of humor - unlock the mysterious method
for how humor works and how it's built...
- How to handle and use "bathroom" and sexual humor the right way - so that
you don't look like an uncivilized jerk...
- How to generate humor from celebrities to get women laughing non-stop...
- Examples of my own humor style and how to use characters to build up your
humor muscles...
- 4 methods of creating characters and props to get laughs in any social
- How to start creating your own personalized humor and really set yourself
apart from other people - and also not look like you're just "copying" someone
else's humor...
- Where to find humor to use for examples and learn from...
- The best way to present a joke - and EVERY guy I know gets this one wrong
and fails to get women genuinely involved because of his delivery...
- Dos and Don'ts for joke telling - follow the rules - AND avoid these
critical blunders when telling jokes to people...
- The 2 kinds of humor to use specifically with women for the most impact and
the best results...
- How to use my "Fake Dumbness" method for making women laugh - and
this one is best for parties and social locations like bars, clubs, and even
- Improvisation skills and how to use them to come up with witty banter and
funny conversation everywhere you go - and never find yourself struggling to
remember an old joke or force the laughs...
- The Top 5 Rules of Improv to help you with your creativity and humor
- and these rules will help you with your approach ability with women as
- Warm-up activities for your voice, face, mind, and body to get you ready
and juiced for conversations and social events...
- A complete set of exercises for developing your funny bone that you
can do alone - or with a friend to make your humor skills ROCK...
- And much more...
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11: Power Conversations (and Humor cont.)
- The 3 Things you should tease a woman about - and what you should NEVER tease
her about...
- Creating an "arsenal" of humor so that you never have to find yourself
"dry" and unable to come up with the right thing to say at the right time...
- Using the role-reversal - the sure-fire method to get a woman to laugh AND
build massive attraction with her...
- The 9 Don'ts of humor - the rules of how and what you should never
joke about in public...
- Power Conversations - the strategies for handling conversations that matter
to you - and when they come along, you will be prepared to make the most
of them...
- The 3 ways to handle intense conversations to avoid embarrassment,
keep people from feeling awkward, and keep you on top...
- The top reasons why most people don't get the results they want from power
- The 3 "patterns" for managing emotionally intense communication -
a blueprint for handling those conversations with strong emotions and potential
for hurt feelings and anger...
- The 3 signals to watch for in emotional conversations to read the situation
and know what's coming...
- The 3 forms of avoidance in conversations - how these take a powerful
conversation and turn it into a let-down - or leave you walking away empty
- The 3 forms of attack in conversations - how people will try to game you
and blitz you with hidden - and sometimes savage - tactics...
- Determining your Power Conversation Style - how to leverage your
strengths to figure your most comfortable and effective route to resolving
power conversations...
- How to create "safe" conversations where everyone feels open and relaxed
instead of closed-off and defensive...
- How to handle apologies to get to solutions with people - and never
feel guilted out of what you want...
- The 2-step process for re-connecting with a woman when things go bad on you
and you lose that connection with her...
- How to handle arguments with women so that you don't get beaten down,
and you don't have to be humiliated in front of others. Yes, you can 'wear
the pants' and not have to worry about confrontations with her...
- How to manage your internal power conversations - the inner dialogue that
you're having with yourself that will determine your ultimate successes and
- The 3 most common inner stories we tell ourselves that create limiting
beliefs for us that stop us from reaching our goals - or going after what
we want...
- The 3 steps to handling the 2 primary reactions from emotional people - never
get caught off-guard by someone else's emotional explosion again...
- What you must understand about arguments that will help you resolve
them in record time and with happy endings...
- The 3 most common Power conversations we get into and how to recognize them
and handle them when they come...
- Rules about Power conversations every man must know to ensure that
he is empowered when the time comes...
- The first thing you must avoid in power conversations that will sink your
ship if you're not careful...
- The 4 ways we translate our feelings in conversations and how you
can avoid miscommunicating yourself in tense situations...
- The 3 Essential "Identities" we bring to our power conversations and
what we need to understand about each to leverage our strengths and influence
with maximum power...
- The Trivia Method to creating interesting conversation in any environment... (with
my "Useless
Information" technique examples)
- The correct use of profanity in conversation - how to swear to make
yourself stand apart from everyone else and make ten times more impact with
your arguments...
- And much more...
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DISC 12: STT - Power Tips for Conversation 1
- How to use the power of "pattern interrupts" to regain control of a conversation that
you've lost control of...
- The active listening strategy that you never learned in school -
how to create a unique energy of connection and interest in every conversation...
- How to use "inoculation" to manage problems before they appear...
- The Horse's Head tactic for leading people to agree with you - this
one was so effective, I almost didn't include it, but it's easy - and it
- How to use Dramatic Volume and Tonal marking to color your communication
with people and get them to pay attention to you...
- Using negation to steer someone's perception and focus the way you
want it to go...
- How to use "tag questions" to gain agreement and steer a conversation
in your direction...
- The Art of Mind Reading - a vocal pattern of internal experience
you can learn in minutes...
- Presuppositions - one of the most powerful tools in the persuader's tool
belt - how it works and how to "embed" your language with them...
- Important word patterns to help people go along with you - and GET
along with you...
- How to build anticipation with your conversational techniques so that everyone
is hanging on your every word...
- How to memorize people's names quickly and effectively - the one
technique that will make sure you never have an embarrassing "blank" in your
first meeting...
- My Secret Nickname trick to draw a woman into faster attraction and rapport...
- How to use the "avalanche smile" to be more sincere - and get others
to smile with you...
- How to use the "Sticky Eyes" technique to be more seductive with women...
- Keeping perfect posture with a simple mental exercise you can do
in just 10 seconds...
- How to effectively "pivot" to demonstrate deeper rapport and get
people to like you faster...
- How to calibrate your conversations accurately for better connection
with anyone and avoid making socially awkward flubs...
- How to meet the most interesting people at any social function and get in
on the best energy of any party - instead of hanging with the wallflowers...
- How to eavesdrop your way into any conversation - use this one "rude"
technique to start a conversation with any group of women...
- How to answer the question "Where are you from?" or "What do you do?" the
RIGHT way - HINT: if you do this wrong - like 90% of guys - you'll bore her
and turn her off right away...
- How to "listen for the evidence" that will tell you a person's primary
motivation and what it is they want most from you...
- How to keep a conversation going - and buy yourself time - with the Parrot
- How to recharge your conversation ammo just before you go out and
never run out of interesting things to talk about - or open conversations
- How to ask someone about what they WANT to talk about without looking wishy
washy or needy...
- How to increase your intelligence and conceptual ability every day
with almost no effort...
- How to impress someone by NOT revealing the things you have in common with
them - most guys do the opposite of this and lose most of their seductive power...
- The two words you should use in every conversation to connect and
make them pay attention to you...
- The two words you need to know and use to create collaboration and rapport with
- What you must AVOID doing with your smile at all costs - or you could
be turning more people off than you know...
- And much more...
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DISC 13: STT - Power Tips for Conversation 2
- How to handle Text messaging as an effective communications tool with women...
- How to make sure you get to talk to HER - not her voicemail
- every time you call...
- How to know when you're out of balance in your personality - and how to regain
- The DISC personality tool to figure out how to talk to the personality
types - the simplest and fastest tool for understanding other people...
- The 7 ways to give value to others - and justify your value at the same time...
- Conversational Glue - How to keep any conversation going for as long
as you like using this one technique...
- "STT" and how you to plan and prepare for your social conversations
to show the best version of you...
- The two types of handshakes you must use - including when and how
to use them...
- The physical escalation you must do in every meeting with a woman or you'll
risk falling into the "let's just be friends" category...
- Why and how you must use the "power verbs" in your conversations
for more energy and excitement - giving you the influence of a master communicator...
- The secret to effective speeches - no more fear of talking to groups ever
- The failure factor of most public speaking - and how you can avoid
being a victim of it...
- Essential words that stir up your written and verbal communications to crackle
with energy...
social network and influence...
- The 3 factors to making connections in social networking - and how they work
for you...
- The most important signal you can give to a potential connection
so that you create the bond you desire...
- The 3 basic skills of social networking you must have to be effective - and
they take almost no time to learn...
- The 2 factors of social success that you can only ignore at your
own risk...
- How to use the internet to connect and expand your social presence in ways
that were never before possible...
- How to focus and connect with any group...
- How to destroy your fear of speaking in public in just a few simple
- 4 Powerful Methods to bring up Sexual topics in any conversation with a woman so
that she enjoys it and reveals her own secret feelings and desires...
- 5 Steps to reading the vibe of any social situation - you'll never
be "miscalibrated" again!
- And much more...
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14: Exercises and Examples
- 10 Vocal Development Exercises - How to develop and refine
a powerful voice that commands attention and respect...
- Developing vocal resonance, tonality, projection, dexterity, pacing, emotional
projection - the essential elements of vocal power...
- Facial Expression Exercises - How to develop your ability
to communicate character and personality with your face - the hidden circuit
of communication with women...
- My "Conversational Mind Mapping" Technique - Extending your ability to create
conversations instantly from ANY subject. Complete method laid out with examples...
- How to redirect the conversation to topics you want to talk about
- without being a "conversation hog"...
- My "Random Reading Exercise": How to prepare your
voice and mindset to go out and make electrical conversations...
- How to use your television as a learning lab for social
skills development...
- How to use my Conversational Bridging technique to keep
conversation moving forward and never run out of things to talk about...
- The Endless Supply of Conversations Exercise - Get over
your fears of talking to strangers and practice your conversation skills...
- The Mirror Exercise for developing emotional projection skills that will
create radical attraction in women...
- SPECIAL BONUS: Example REAL LIVE phone conversation - I've
got a recording of me talking with a woman I haven't even met - ratcheting
up the attraction with her for you to hear how it's done - with an analysis
and breakdown of the techniques I used in the conversation...
- My rules and advice for building a social network in no time flat...
- And much more...
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BONUS: 270 Minutes of Advanced Coaching - Instant Download!
And you'll be able to get started RIGHT NOW! You don't have to wait for the
CDs to arrive because you'll be getting my exclusive pre-coaching bonus as
soon as you place your order.
That's right. You're going to get over 270 minutes of my best material from
the Advanced Coaching on Conversational Techniques. That's over 4 and a half
hours of training you can start with right NOW.
I'm including the following
bonus audio segments on talking with women:
BONUS: 72 Page Reference E-book
Carlos has compiled his notes from the program for you in one
easy-to-use manual for the program. You'll get
all the bullet points and techniques from the program in one resource that you can print and refer to again and again.

"Does this
stuff work or what?"
"I am in the middle of a divorce ... And I am also
out there using your stuff for meeting a bunch of new friends (GIRLS).
I just bought the Alpha Conversation program. You have no idea how it
is helping me with girls and pickup and more importantly with
the divorce and the divorce lawyers. It really is great when you have the
confidence to blow these people away.
Your CDs are awesome. I have learned so much in the art of conversation.
I am blowing everyone away even my attorney.
Yes, we need to get this confidence stuff out. And all of your stuff! It
I was raised Roman Catholic and you know the stuff really never worked
for me. I was never myself. Now I have truly found myself and it is working
in every part of my life. Work, people, Coaching, co-workers, all of it.
So good to be home, where I belong! Yeah a MAN! Whatever you need from
me, I will help you spread the word! Carlos, You are THE BEST! You
sure have helped me! Keep the Faith!"
- Chris,
San Francisco, CA |
what guys who already got the program have to say...
"This program is extremely helpful in explaining the complex conversational dynamics, which is rare. Often conversations just tend to go at random and you're left with nothing. Not only does this program go right into the matter, it's also rich in useful knowledge. I recommend anyone, who wants to enrich their social life, to get this one."
- J.A., Lahti
"This program has the potential to be the greatest program ever
created on dating, communication, and success in life. I have
tried other products and yours are still the best... You are still, without
any doubt, the master of any dating seduction teacher. Keep it up in
helping us guys succeed Master Xuma..."
- J.H.
"Hey I just received the Conversation and Persuasion program and I have
started to listen to it. I've got to say this program is awesome...
You've developed not just a program full of tricks that have worked for
you (like some stuff out there) but a definitive guide with
proven principles and techniques that can be applied and incorporated
into each individual personality.
... your stuff is awesome..."
- Eddy R.
"Carlos, I am finding your programs very useful in many areas of life.
Much of this stuff is so simple, it should be common sense. But, most
guys have never been exposed to these concepts. Most importantly,
what these programs do is ignite a new thought process. I've looked at
other programs and yours is the only one that goes directly to the root
of the problem...
Your programs are a step above all the others ..."
- J.W. - Syracuse, NY
"Great work on the Alpha Man Conversation and Persuasion program, outstanding
content as always. Until recently I have always worried about
finding conversation and things to say to people. This program
has helped tremendously as now, not only am I prepared but also more
confident about going into a conversation because I know I can not only
handle it but control it -- that's a great feeling."
- Steve P., United Kingdom
"This package has without a doubt transformed my life. I
have never had the kind of success with women that I'm now having, thanks
to this program. I am truly thankful for Carlos' hard work and
effort in making this package such an amazing piece of transforming art.
Thank you Carlos"
- Ben L.
"Awesome Material!! You truly covered it all. Just the
program I was waiting for."
- Rom S. - Morton, PA USA
"The conversation program is amazing. 14 succinct
CD's covering everything from social theory to conversation techniques. Great
stuff and well worth the price...
Hey Fellow Alpha Men, If you haven't gotten it, get the freaking program
now. In addition to what others have already said, your conversational
penis will grow as well! Seriously... everything from AMOGS/jerks/storytelling/power
questions/... ahh too many to list. I think it is a worthy investment.
Just beware though... it is A LOT of INFO. And I really mean A LOOOOT"
- Lovelace
"I want to thank you for the Alpha Man Conversation & Persuation
program. Your power questions helped me keep conversations going for
hours, and your mind mapping excercise really helped me improve my
creativity and variety of conversation topics..."
- Mike G.
"Hey, Carlos Xuma I would just like to open by letting you know how
much of a revelation and invaluable tool your programs have been for
me. Growing up in divorced home with three sisters and my mother led
me down a road almost completely devoid of what a man should be. I
found myself forming my own understanding and perspective through
trial and error and still that wasn't enough to truly understand my
role as a man. I had read and listened to a couple of other dating
programs from other gurus in the field before I came across yours and
can truly say yours has been the most impactful and beneficial
personally. My sincerest of thanks! I have really enjoyed your Alpha
Conversation program A LOT since this was one of my weakest areas with
- Hector C., San Antonio, TX
Kirin got the pearls
of wisdom from this program...
"Once again, Carlos Xuma has gone WAY over the edge to provide us with
a product so extensive that one can work with it for
not days but weeks or even months, coming back to it again and again
to pull out the copious pearls of wisdom contained within.
Not only does the program contain lots and lots of
ideas for starting and carrying on conversations with anyone, it's
also full of wisdom, techniques and anecdotes on human behaviour in
general. Much more than can be taken on in a single listen, it's sure
to be a program that you'll want to listen to over
and over, going deeper each time and taking on greater levels
of experience and technique."
- Kirin |
here are even more testimonials from the satisfied buyers of the
"I am going through the program for the fourth time. It is packed
with so much good stuff. Thanks for sending the disk guide document.
Now I am using it as a reference just to keep me straight with my communication
goals. Thanks!"
- James R. - Chicago, IL. USA
"Before dating in this way I had always felt I knew how to talk to women,
but nothing special, when I seen uglier guys getting the hottest women,
I knew I had to change something if I was going to survive in the dating
world. My friend had just come on board and introduced me to the conversation
and persuasion program and we started to use its principles. At first
I felt like I was listening to the obvious stuff but as you keep listening
to the program you pick up on things you've never realized was so important.
By the end of 'training', I felt like a machine and knew that
women never stood a chance!"
- Justin - Toronto, Canada
"It was a revelation... an awesome program that really
opened my eyes to learning how to communicate effectively."
- Michael P., Greece
"I wanted to tell you that I really am enjoying the Alpha Advanced Conversation
program. This is program works on so many levels. I
appreciate the fact that there are no researsed gimicks or lines that
I need to know but, rather it affords me the opportunity to create my
own game for life in general. Thanks for all the Advice!!!"
- Tony M., VA
"Alpha Communication & Persuasion... great program... dense as hell and
not a second wasted, totally exceeded my expectations..."
- S. M., California
"I've never met any other guru out there
as REAL as Carlos. I'm addicted to his programs. Anytime I go out
and not feeling very confident I just listen to his conversation
and persuasion program and it feels like I can talk to anyone. Your
the man carlos! He has the solution
for any weakness a person has."
- J. P.
"I want to thank you for the Alpha Man Conversation & Persuation program. Your power questions helped me keep conversations going for hours, and your mind mapping excercise really helped me improve my creativity and variety of conversation topics..."
- Mike G.
"This program is really insightful and empowering. It strikes right to one of the most important, if not crucial parts of success and charismatic interaction: social skills.
It brings up many frustrating social games you are most likely familiar with and simple strategies to win these games. The program also tells about various problem personalities, where you are likely to encounter them, how they often act and how to manage their games so you don't wind up a victim.
The best of this program is its core about connecting authentically with people. It's obvious Carlos has worked a lot to find out about this problem bothering so many people. How can I connect with others in a way that feels real? If you've ever asked yourself a similar kind of question or wanted more real friends, this program is a treasure."
- Jyry
number one problem attracting women is keeping the conversation going.
Now you can finally
learn the skills to overcome this once and for all.
No one taught you this stuff in school, and no one is going to make sure
you learn it now.
Look, one thing is for sure: You're going to be in a conversation with
someone almost EVERY single day of your life.
You'll either be influenced BY the person you're talking to, or you
will influence them.
They will either sell something to YOU, or YOU will sell THEM.
Which do you prefer?
Your powers of social influence and conversational control are
the keystone of your success in life. Your ability to effectively
manage social dynamics will either make you or break you.
Don't be a victim of your environment...
Be a MASTER of conversation. |
Do you know how to handle these situations?
- When your girlfriend says: "You know I think Jenny's boyfriend
treats her so nice..." Do you know how to reply?
- When a friend says: "I swear, I never sent that unbelievably
stupid email to her..." Do you know how to tell if he's
lying to you or not?
- When a guy in a bar challenges you and says: "Oh, so you know
Karate, huh? Show me something!" - or any other smart-ass
comment - what do you say back to handle him and make HIM look
like the idiot?
- When your mom gives you a hard time and starts packing the bags for a guilt
trip, what do you say to stop her from bugging you to death?
- When you get a text message from a girl asking: "Hey, how
are you doing?" -
how should you text her back for maximum impact?
- When you approach a woman and she gives you a bitchy attitude, what can you
say to her to warm her up in just 10 seconds?
- When a conversation starts to run "cold," do you know how to
restart it and get it back on track?
- When a cop asks you, "Do you know how fast you were going?" -
do you know what he really wants to hear?
- When a friend asks you, "Did you like that restaurant I
recommended?" -
and it was awful- do you know how to avoid having to lie to him - AND
make your friend still feel good?
- You're talking to a woman and she asks you, "So if you're
so great, why aren't you married?" -
what do you say to her?
- When your second date with a woman starts out feeling like an arctic freeze
- what one thing should you ask her about to get her to crack open and relax
with you?
You'll learn all these answers, and many MANY more in
my Alpha
Man Conversation & Persuasion program.
"You're about to learn the most effective techniques
to influence and persuade - my most lethal communication tactics..."
At last, all the tools, tips, strategies, and techniques you'll ever need to hold powerful, exciting, conversations...
Every conversation is a battle of wills and power. Do you know how to
never be taken advantage of again? Learn how in
the Alpha Man Conversation &
Persuasion program...
Imagine how you'll feel when you can talk with anyone about anything, in
any situation...
Are you tired of being "shut out" in conversations? Would you like to feel
like you have Alpha Power and persuasive ability with
women? Your boss? Your
family? Your friends?
This information-packed, 14 CD program covers all the bases of
conversation and interpersonal communication. In just a few days, you can
dramatically increase your conversational powers with everyone in your
sphere of influence.
Your 90-Day DOUBLE Risk-Free Guarantee

Of course, you don't have to decide now. Instead, grab our 90 day risk-free offer!
 |
Protection #1:
If you're not absolutely thrilled, just return the CDs in re-saleable condition within 90 days for a complete 100% refund. No questions. No hassles. |
 |
Protection #2: Even if you cancel, your efforts won't be for nothing. You'll get to keep the
24 Bonus Audio Training sessions as my way of saying "Thanks." That's a guaranteed gain, no matter what you decide! |
...I literally take ALL of the risk for you because that's how much I believe in this program.
If this program doesn't help you and make you a better communicator, a more
effective persuader, and a more charismatic man, I don't want your money.
I guarantee the results. |
Start Influencing and Persuading Like an Alpha
Man In The Next 5 Minutes -- Risk-FREE.
I've been talking about this for a long time and this truth still stands -
there's nothing more important than learning the art of conversation
and persuasion with
women - or anyone...
What would you do with the ability to hold instantly powerful
conversations, and persuade others to help you with your goals? Again, imagine how you'll feel when you can talk with anyone about anything, in any situation...
Life is way too short to waste precious time on time on useless and meaningless
discussions where you don't get the results you've been looking
for in the end.
Conversation Anxiety is now in your past.
Never feel manipulated
or shy in a conversation again.
Why not get the
knowledge now and
enjoy the rest of your life reaping the rewards?
You won't listen to the CDs just once, I guarantee it. You'll use this program
as a reference for every time you want to talk, negotiate or persuade someone
(including a woman), and you'll be prepared and
The next move is up to you. Click
here to
get "Alpha
Man Conversation & Persuasion" program
for only 5 payments of just 49.97 ($10
discount included.)
And, don't forget -- if you ORDER
your "Alpha
Man Conversation & Persuasion" program
will include the 24 Bonus Audio Training sessions! You
have 90 days to try the "Alpha
Man Conversation & Persuasion" program...
And see exactly how much these techniques work. And you're still protected
by my no-risk guarantee.
What are you waiting for? Act
now --
and claim your bonuses. Take 90 days to learn this system inside and out and
get the results in your life.
Looking forward to coaching you...

Carlos Xuma
P.S. You know that learning how to communicate properly is
a skill you must have. Don't let your own inner voice
of doubt get in the way of your taking this step forward.
When you can talk to people (yes, women, men, whoever...),
you'll have options that you never imagined before.
Just imagine walking into any social situation and knowing that you're going
to leave with any
woman's phone number, or even with her on your arm.
You'll be admired as a leader and a powerful, confident man. Believe me, it's
the best feeling you can have.
Don't talk yourself out of the most important ability you can have as a man.
Get the "Alpha
Man Conversation & Persuasion" program
- NOW - GUARANTEED results.
P.P.S. If you don't seize this
opportunity, how will you discover what's holding you back? How will you
learn from the victories (and costly mistakes)? And with your protection
DOUBLED you have nothing to lose. You'll get to keep the
bonuses in this offer no matter what.
"But Carlos, what about your 'Approach
Women NOW program? Isn't this the same thing?"
No, these two products are very different.
My Approach Women Now program covers all the techniques
and exercises to get you past your fear of walking up and talking to
a woman.
THIS Alpha Man Conversation & Persuasion goes deep into
the COMPLETE conversation with women, men, family,
friends, etc. You'll learn how to handle social situations of ANY kind.
This is how you talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Once you've completed the Approach Women NOW
program, you'll want to
move right on to this Conversation & Persuasion program as your next
step on the path.
(By the way, you can also get my Approach Women NOW program WITH
this Conversation & Persuasion program for a discount. Just click HERE to
go to the order page and reserve your special package, then send me
an email for your special discount...)
"But Carlos, what
if EVERY guy out there gets hold of this information? Won't it
stop working?"
That's the best part of learning quality techniques developed on TRUE
inner confidence - my REAL Game. You'll just have
better interactions with EVERYONE out there.
Can you imagine a woman saying to you:
"Hey! You used confidence
and effective teasing, and then you bridged into rapport, just like
the last guy I talked to!"
Nope. Not gonna happen. In fact, that's pretty comical to imagine.
These Strategies, Tactics, and Techniques are common
to every persuasive conversation, and that means they are
completely transparent and natural. This isn't some clever "system." This
is the way to richer and fuller communications that have been used
by all the great speakers and writers of the last thousand years.
You're going to be ten times more effective in every
kind of social interaction, and you'll seem more natural doing it with
these tips than you will when you feel like you're "forcing" a conversation
No more "buts," and no more Mr. Boring Nice
Guy. |
Listen to what the other gurus are saying about Carlos' work...
"If I knew about Carlos Xuma's products earlier in my life, it would have saved me a lot of years... Trust me, Carlos has changed my life -- he can change yours too!"
- Oliver
T., CEO - Captivate 2 Connect
"... We're here to say with absolute CERTAINTY that you clearly deserve to be amongst the top 1% within the crowded triangle.... He always OVERDELIVERS in his dating programs and, long story short... his techniques WILL get you the results you want. Period."
- Simon
Heong/David K- Publishers: Instant Approaching
"Carlos Xuma is a man who has a clear passion for imparting the success with women he has experienced to other guys worldwide. He approaches his craft with immense integrity and a distinct style!"
- Scot
McKay, X & Y Communications,
"Carlos Xuma is the REAL DEAL! If you are serious about creating an extraordinary relationship. I highly recommend Carlos to any man who is ready to get the woman of his dreams. I love his game, it's 100% real."
- the
"Carlos Xuma is one of those rare guys in the field who actually GETS what interacting with women is all about. His advice goes beyond the pick-up lines and approach techniques..."
- James
Brito, How to Be Irresistible to Women
"Carlos Xuma is one of the few men in the 'seduction' or 'attraction' community who digs beneath the surface of passing attraction, and explores what it is to be a man who attracts women by virtue of his character and, consequently, the natural outward expression of high character..."
- Grant
Adams, CEO -
"Hey Carlos, I write about the biology of men and women's behavior. You seem to know the biology of behavior without knowing it. How do you do that? You have a deep intuition of dynamics - it took me 7 years of academic research to discover. And you find sharp ways to apply it practically... Keep up the good work, brother."
- Joe
Quirk, Author of "Sperm are from Men, Eggs are from Women"
"I've read every book and studied every system on dating and seduction. ... Xuma is the best there is at teaching men how to develop their 'inner game.' From there, he'll give you the complete set of tools for approaching women, and life, with absolute confidence and skill. If you're in this game to win it, these are the rules you need to learn."
- Dean
Cortez, M.A.C.K. Tactics co-creator
Press play to hear Rion...
"Carlos Xuma is on the 'dating forefront' of teaching guys in this area and he can help YOU fast-forward your own skills and confidence to get R.E.A.L. results with women."
- Rion
Press play to hear Jason...
"I was blown away by how much this guy knows... I highly recommend learning from this man..."
- Jason K.
Press play to hear Mehow...
"Great stuff... Really awesome... this stuff will put all the elements together man... I highly recommend it..."
- Mehow, In-field Insider
Press play to hear David Shade...
"I can tell you that Carlos lives what he teaches... He is genuine, authentic, and very much in tune with people..."
- David Shade, Masterful Lover


